2002 News Archive
All the news items archived from 2002. Please note prices may have changed since these news items.
News, and SCART Leads
2nd September 2002
A couple of small things to say on this update. Firstly, it seems issue one of 'Sam Revival' is going down very well! If you don't know what all the fuss is about, scroll down to the news item below about the release of the first issue of this new paper magazine for the Sam Coupé. The second issue will be out now in approximately one month's time, after which the special launch price offer for issue one will end, so there's still plenty of time to get the first issue at the reduced price of £1.50. (or 3 euros for international readers).
Also, over the course of the last few weeks, I've had enquiries about RGB Scart leads to work specifically with the Sam - well, yes I can make them and have done so on a few occasions recently. If you are after a high quality RGB Scart lead for the Sam I can make them for £7.50. (2m long, although of course I can make them to any length you require). I've now added them to my product list for easy reference.
I am always happy to help out with any sort of request for the Sam, and some other examples can be found in the Repairs section, and as always any questions or comments then do please feel free to ask.
Sam Revival issue 1 released
7th August 2002
I am now proud to announce the launch of a new paper magazine for the Sam!
With the last Sam paper magazine dying off over a year and a half ago I felt it was time to fill the gap. Sam Revival does just that! This launch issue is 44 pages in size, and is full of articles, programs, news, reviews, tips, hacking and more. (Thanks go out to the contributors who wrote articles and reviews with only a few weeks notice!). Feature articles include the start of a coding series of articles - looking at how Comet assembler stores its files for later use with compiled sprites, and also an in depth look at realistic surround sound.
It's my aim to make Sam Revival the best magazine there has been for the Sam and help bring the community closer together and provide everyone with a place to help each other out.
Sam Revival is released bi-monthly, with issue 2 (which is already in preparation) out at the start of October.
As a special launch price, issue one of Sam Revivial is available for £1.50 for the next month. From issue two onwards Sam Revival will be the normal price of £2 an issue, or £5 for a three issue subscription.
For European customers, I have had to add approx 50p or so to cover the international postage for the magazine, so it works out at 3 Euro for Issue 1 at the special offer price, then 3,75 Euro for Issue 2 onwards, or 10 Euro for a three issue subscription.