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SAM Coupé Hardware
from Quazar



(Current issue: 76)

Custom SAM Hardware

Repairs and Spares

Next Show... 14th October 2024

Upcoming show: RetroFest 2024...

The next show I'll be exhibiting at is the Retro Computer Festival 2024 at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge. This is the fourth show I'll have been at this year and maybe not the last!

This is a two day show, taking place on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of November and I will be there both days demonstrating everything I do for the SAM Coupe, with my range of hardware, software and 'SAM Revival' magazines, prototypes of forthcoming hardware and some new products! The show is be open from 10am to 5pm both days. Saturday tickets tend to sell out quick (although some walk-ins will be available on the day) but don't forget it is taking place on the Sunday too!

For more information and advance tickets click the link here: Events Page at the CfCH

News Update... 14th July 2024

A sad start to the news, as shared by Alan Miles to the SAM scene, the news that Bruce Gordon - the hardware designer of the SAM Coupe - passed away in June.

I never met Bruce in person, but he did email out of the blue many years ago after he saw what I did for the system.

Thank you Bruce for such a wonderful computer.

Three shows so far this year...

A photo montage below of some of the shows I've been at recently: SAM-azing at the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester, Retcon 2024 in Greenford and the Synthesized show at the Centre for Computing History in Leicester (plus 'Retrofest 2023' last November). Brilliant to chat to so many people at the shows and demonstrate everything I do to keep the system alive, and thanks for all your interest and messages of support!

I had spent an extra day at the Retro Computer Museum back in May, with some of the next day spent debugging and improving my 'Net-Pac' game. This is the only network game so far for the SAM Coupe, which I had originally written back in the 90s. Easier to debug it on two SAMs side by side. My thanks to the RCM crew for their help as the second player 'ghost' while I was tweaking the BASIC! I'll be looking to put the final version of Net-Pac on a future coverdisk with SAM Revival magazine.

Keep an eye on my X/Twitter at: for details of the next shows I'll be attending, as well as all my other frequent SAM musings!

New Quazar Surround soundcards...

Back in 1995, the Quazar Surround sound card was my first hardware release, offering multi-channel digital sound with surround sound outputs.

Soak testing is now just about complete on the black 'Anniversary Edition' soundcards and they will be shipping out in the coming days. With only nine of these being available they were quickly pre-ordered. As such I've also designed a new white 'Standard Edition' Quazar Surround using the updated circuitry designed for the Anniversary model. I'm also in the process of soak testing the first small batch of these with them due to be ready to ship within the next fortnight.

The new white editions are available at £79.99 with a SD card (for Trinity owners) of introductory software, or £89.99 with the software on a stack of floppy disks.

To order, please send me a message via the Contact Quazar page.

SAM Revival 11 Revamp...

With one of the shows I've recently attended centering around computer audio and synthesizors I decided to revamp issue 11 of SAM Revival magazine. This back issue was focused purely on sound on the SAM, featuring an audio CD.

Originally this was a black and white laser printed issue, so in the days leading up to the show I completely remade it in full colour and had it professionally printed. With 20 years passing since the original publication there are some new updates and corrections adding to the articles, along with the odd piece of new information plus an extra bonus track on the CD.

SAM Revival issue 11 (2024 Revamped Edition)

Please note for countries other than the UK there may be customs/handling fees so you may be charged VAT and a possible admin fee by your local postal operator when the parcel enters the country.

This issue is also listed on my eBay sales where any import charges are added at checkout, with the delivery having IOSS information logged if required to avoid a handling fee upon delivery.

SAM Revival 27...

The final build of 'The Lower Caverns' was delivered earlier in the year so I am pleased to announce that TLC will be featuring on the coverdisk with SAM Revival 27, along with a couple other games and utilities. (A preview of TLC appeared in issue 26 of SAM Revival.)

PREORDER: SAM Revival issue 27

Please note for countries other than the UK there may be customs/handling fees. For customers in the EU the magazines will be sent out upon release as DDU (Delivered Duties Unpaid) so you will be charged VAT and a possible admin fee by your local postal operator when the parcel enters the country. You may wish to wait until release to purchase via eBay and prepay the EU VAT there to avoid a handling fee.

October News Update... 10th October 2023

A lot of news, so lets jump right in... :)

Trinity Ethernet Interface v1.2, plus upgrade for earlier revisions...

Trinity v1.2

I’ve updated my every popular Trinity Ethernet Interface (first released back in 2007) to give it faster SD card reading/writing. The speed up recorded is 97.1% so that’s near enough double speed. (To ensure accurate measurement I recorded the video output from the SAM loading a 400K file and measured the exact number of frames taken to load the code!) The speedup was achieved by swapping over the microcontroller ports that’s used by the Ethernet and SD, to give the SD card faster access to the microcontroller. With the Ethernet speed mainly being governed by the TCP/IP code on the Z80 moving that to a slower microcontroller port on Trinity has only marginally affected its overall speed.

The price is unchanged at £79.99, or £89.98 including the optional BOOT ROM which allows the SAM to load in the mass storage on startup from a memory chip on the Trinity to save having to load it in from floppy disk at startup.

Upgrade Module

I've not forgotten about you all who have the earlier V1.0 and V1.1 revisions, I've made an upgrade module is available to upgrade those to the new v1.2 hardware to get the SD card speed boost!

It's simple to fit, the upgrade module replaces the socketed microcontroller on the Trinity board. Just lever the old chip out of its socket and plug the upgrade in. The speedup is handled in the hardware so there's no software changes on the SAM whatsoever.

The upgrade module is priced as a "trade in" at £16.99 + return of the old chip. This avoids electronic waste and keeps the cost down with the old chip being returned.

As usual to order, please send a message via my Contact Quazar page.

Retrocomputing Shows...

The next retrocomputing show I'll be at is the Retro Computer Festival 2023 at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November. For more information and tickets see the events page on the centre's website.

I was also at the latest Legendary Gathering at the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester a few weeks ago in September. I had a great time showing what I do for the SAM Coupe and other platforms and had my prototype Mayhem Accelerator set up in the back of my SAM speeding it up to 20MHz.

As mentioned in the previous news update I was holding some charity auctions to benefit RCM and so far over £50 has been raised and donated.

New Quazar Surround sound cards...

The Quazar Surround was my first piece of hardware for the SAM Coupé, a sound card offering multi-channel digital sound with surround sound outputs, really pushing what an 8-bit computer could do sonically!

As announced previously, I am making a limited edition run of "Anniversary Edition" soundcards, built into the test molds of the MGT/SAMCo interface cases. These have all been pre-ordered and paid for, but it has been amazing to see the interest in them far exceeding the number I'm was able to make.

So it only makes sense with the huge interest I'm now committed to making a new "standard edition" which I should have out in November. These won’t be cased, but will be in the same style of my recent interfaces which are a "PCB Sandwich" style (such as ZX-ECUTOR and VIC-20 Cartridge Interfaces). Pricing is currently pencilled in at £79.99 with a SD card (for Trinity) of introductory software, or £89.99 with the software on a stack of floppy disks. If you are interested in preordering one from the first batch please let me know..

Game Remasters...

I’ve never stopped selling the games I’ve coded myself, however I'm now in the final stages of releasing updated versions where I’ve taken a fresh look at them to add some nice little tweaks and touches here and there. Test prints of the box inlays are above!

I’m also nearing completion with the re-releases of some of the games I’ve been able to obtain the rights and they’re getting the same remaster treatment!

Pre-orders for these games being taken now, aiming to ship in October/November. Each game will be available as a Trinity SD Card edition (£15.99) or multiple Floppy Disk edition (£19.99). To preorder please send a message through my Contact Quazar page.

First two of my own titles...


The Cyberspace Battle Has Begun! Zoom around the 3D Cyberspace world in your customised Cybercraft. Destroy the numerous types of enemy cybercraft and collect all the flags to progress onto the next and more dangerous level.

Stratosphere features MODE 4 line vector graphics on the SAM, released in 1997 to rave reviews in the magazines of the time - Blitz 97%, Crashed 5/5, SAM Community 98%. Stratosphere showed what the SAM was capable of!

Money Bags 2

The SAM’s answer to Jet Set Willy is my Money Bags Trilogy of games! This is the huge sequel that was originally released back in 1997, with several hundred rooms and it’s now been remastered with brand new sampled soundtracks!

(You may have seen the original on issue 9 of SAM Revival, the middle instalment Money Bags 1½ on SAM Revival issue 17. Both back issues are available for £6.99 each + postage).

And next are two titles that are now in the Quazar portfolio. I had great fun working with these teams back in the 90s helping them out with adding soundcard support and the odd piece of code. Good times!


Ever been to the IMP Circus? It’s the greatest show on Earth! But they’re having problems. It’s the night of the big performance tonight and the circus has been stolen by the Imps’ arch enemy, Captain Y-Fronts! From the twisted mind of Mungus Software, IMPostors is an arcade puzzler where you control five Imps each with their own special ability, battling through several zones to get back to the circus, with the grand finale culminating in a range of mini games to beat the Captain. For those programmers interested, this shows what GamesMaster can be used for!

(Mungus Software’s first commercial release was Blokker which has already been re-released on the coverdisk with SAM Revival issue 26 - available for £9.99 + postage. Several other Mungus Software games also feature on Soundbyte).


Amalthea was the first game released to support the Quazar Surround soundcard. Featuring top down and side on levels Amalthea was SAM’s answer to Alien Breed! This was the largest game to date to use SCADS (The SAM Coupe Arcade Development System games creation package).

(Various Jupiter Software titles have already been re-released on the coverdisks with SAM Revival, such as Booty and Burglar Bob. A few other titles and exclusive games + demos also feature on the Soundbyte disks.)

And the last currently scheduled re-release is a big compliation, specifically for SAM users with the Quazar Surround soundcard.

Audio Euphoria

So much early hardware failed on the SAM Coupe due to lack of software support. When I launched the Quazar Surround in 1995 I made it my promise that there would be masses of software support for the soundcard, with my first pledge being to produce a diskzine specifically for it! Soundbyte spanned 76 issues from 1995 to 2004 with games, demos, utilities and music all tailored for the Quazar Surround - that’s so much SAM Coupe software!

"Audio Euphoria" will be a compilation containing all 76 issues. I will also be including my full price Quazar Surround only game Super Byke Championship as a bonus as there were many expansion game zones for that on Soundbyte. And to make it the ultimate compilation of software for the Quazar Surround soundcard I'm also adding in the full standalone utilities: Quazar Studio, Quazar Video Construction Kit and Quazar Sequencer Pro.

This mammoth compilation will only be on a SD card for use with the Trinity Ethernet Interface and Quazar Surround, priced at £39.99.

I’ve plans for some new issues of Soundbyte to follow the release of the new revision soundcards, perhaps combined with future SAM Revival cover disks!)

SAM Revival magazine...

The software for the forthcoming issues are in the final stages. I’ve been playtesting, and helping with a machine code routine, the near final build of The Lower Caverns. Also checking with the author of Treasure Island Dizzy that is in final testing and I hope to give that a go myself in the coming days. These are scheduled to be on issues 27 and 28 along with some other games. Including UK shipping the issues can be pre-ordered now for £12.49 each including UK shipping, £14.99 with European shipping, or £16.99 with worldwide shipping.

Lastly, something for the ZX Spectrum...

2 Way ZX Bus Expansion card

Following a question asking if I made a right angled expansion for the ZX Spectrum on Twitter this just happened to roll off my work bench! This lets you plug two peripherals into the edge connector on the ZX Spectrum, one horizontally, one vertically.

These are now available for £16.99 + postage. As usual please pop me a message via Contact Quazar page to order, and I also have them listed on eBay.

April News Update... 16th April 2023

Quite a busy news update, with details of my two new SAM Coupe hardware releases so far this year and some charity auctions that are now live.

It's odd to think that it's now 30 years since I bought my first SAM Coupe, which I started to learn and program for straight away, with my first game published 3 weeks later - The Towers Of Hanoi, on issue 33 of Fred disk magazine. While I still primarily focus on the SAM Coupe with so much hardware, software and magazines available and so many new projects on the go I do also have subsites for hardware I make for other systems. - Hardware modules (SID Soundchip Interface, Graphic OLED Interface) for RC2014 systems and compatibles - which can also work on the SAM Coupe and ZX Spectrum via the Bus Interfaces I make. - A module to use the 8580 SID sound chip in circuits designed for the 6581. (MOS 6581 & 8580 = Commodore 64 Sound chips)

I don't yet have a dedicated subsite for the ZX Spectrum hardware I make, but you can see in earlier news entries below information about my ZX/SAM Rom Cartridge and several ZX interfaces.

New SAM Coupe hardware releases...

VIC-20 Cartridge Interface

As shown as a prototype in news updates last year and also demonstrated when I was at various shows across the country, I had designed an interface to read VIC-20 Cartridges on the SAM Coupe so they can be run with the fantastic VIC-20 emulator created many years ago by Simon Owen (VIC-20 emu page / source code).

While it was initially just a personal folly there was some interest in it (as well as it being described as witchcraft by people at shows!) I've now produced a finished version of the interface which I've released as a limited edition piece.

There are currently 12 games that'll work with it, with a few more getting close. As I patch/tweak the emulator to support games I will be feeding back the changes I make to Simon to put the modified source code on his GitHub.

Supported games:
All 5 of the Scott Adams adventures: Adventure Land, Voodoo Castle, The Count, Pirates Cove, Mission Impossible.
Arcade Games: Radar Rat Race, Raid on Fort Knox, Rally X, Frogger, Q*Bert, Menagerie, Slot.

While this interface is a limited edition there are still some available at time of writing priced at £79.99 + shipping.

Interested? Please send me an email via Contact Quazar page to order.

Parallel Port Interface

There's not been a printer interface available for the SAM Coupe since early 1999 so following a request I've designed a new interface to give your SAM Coupe a parallel printer port.

My new design is fully compatible to the original MGT specifications for the parallel port, as well as fixing two slight flaws that were present with the original interfaces.

As the SAM can support two printer interfaces there is a switch on the interface to select if it acts as port 1 (the default port - used by LPRINT, LLIST and probably all software that does printing) or as port 2.

I am also including a new centronics printer cable (approx length 90cm) with the interface, however if you wish to have a longer cable then I can make it to your requirements.

The Parallel Port Interface + 90cm cable is available now as a bundle priced at £59.99 + shipping.

Charity Auctions, benefitting the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester...

I've listed a "special" version of my ZX/SAM ROM CART on eBay with 100% of the proceeds being donated via "eBay For Charity" to the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester, where I was four times last year and once so far this year.

As a bit of background to this listing, I've been designing hardware for home computers now since 1995 when I started Quazar, primarily for the SAM Coupe computer but in recent years I've branched out to cover other some other systems including the ZX Spectrum (which was my first computer back in 1983!) and the RC2014 Z80 based kits and compatible systems.

In all my years of producing hardware last year something happened for the very first time - someone tried to scam me with a dodgy return. Via eBay they bought one of my ZX/SAM ROM Cartridges, immediately said it was dead on arrival and returned it. Unsurprisingly (and not unexpected by various tell tale signs, I even recorded the whole unboxing of the returned parcel) they returned a cartridge they had previously bought over a year earlier which had been user damaged. How could I tell it was the older cartridge that was returned? A simple change in the length of the toggle of the switches I had fitted to the latest batch. If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen this debacle mentioned a couple of times.

Thankfully eBay sided with me regarding the refund for the return and I was not charged but disappointingly eBay refunded the buyer themselves which does nothing to stamp out such abuse of the return system.(And the cart could have been easily repaired for a couple of quid!)

I've since repaired the cartridge - it had 3 bent pins on the PLCC socket that holds the flash memory chip so I've fitted a brand new socket and reflashed the memory chip with the standard games that I've permission to include with it (Mag The Magician and Dead Space) and I've also had made a little "Returned by a Scammer" PCB plate which now adorns it to make it a one of a kind "special edition" cart!

As I was not out of pocket for the return I've listed it on eBay with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester - a great place to visit, run by a great bunch of people! Here's Andy the Museum's chairman holding the cartridge, from when I was visiting there at the start of the month - it wasn't one of their legendary gatherings but I was there repairing and upgrading their SAM Coupes and had a brilliant day!

The cartridge can be used with the ZX Spectrum if you have a Sinclair Interface 2 or my ZX ROM SLOT Interface to provide the cartridge port. On the SAM Coupe the cartridge can operate with my ZX-ECUTOR Interface. For more information about the flash cart please click here or scroll down to the 22nd April 2020 news article.

The link to the eBay auction for the ROM cart, with 100% of proceeds going to the RCM, is: (7 day listing, ending at approx 9pm BST, Sunday 23rd April.)

More Charity Items...

I am also listing fifteen or so other 'buy it now' items with a 10% donation of each going to the RCM. These items include a selection of my SAM Coupe, ZX Spectrum and RC2014 hardware and some SAM Revival magazines. These listings are active now, running for a week until the main charity auction above ends on the 23rd April.

For everything I have on eBay please see:
The listings with a charity donation have CHARITY in their title and you'll see the eBay For Charity information within the listings themselves.

November News Update... 25th November 2022

2022 Computer Shows...

Earlier in the month, I was at the Retro Computer Festival for two days at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge and had a SAM Coupe set up with the prototype Symbiote co-processor plus a small Z80 based RC2014 Mini computer, along with a variety of products available to buy on the day. What an absolutely fantastic time I had there, with a good number of SAM Coupe owners visiting for a natter and all the other retro visitors I was talking to. So much interest to see what I do for the SAM as well so much positive feedback on my future projects such as Pandemonium!

The next show I'm planning to attend is the Christmas 'Legendary Gathering' at the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester on Saturday 3rd December. I hope to confirm this in the coming days - I'll update here as well as put out a message on Twitter ( where you'll also find all my latest SAM/retro ramblings! *Update* I will be at the show on the 3rd! :)

October News Update... 27th October 2022

Despite train strikes and other hassle, I'm now pleased say that I'm now all set for Cambridge so I'll be attending both days of...

Saturday 5th/Sunday 6th November
It's time for the Retro Computer Festival 2022 at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge that's taking place on the first weekend of November. I'll be there exhibiting the wide range of SAM Coupe products I make, as well as the few bits and pieces I make for other systems (ZX Spectrum and RC2014) and soundchip related accessories. I'll have stock of hardware and SAM Revival magazine with me.

Show's that have now past...

Saturday 24th September - I was at the third Legendary Gathering of the year at the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester. Met a few SAM users at the show and I had the prototype Symbiote eZ80 co-processor with me!

Keep up to date with the shows I'll be attending and my latest news by following me on Twitter:

SAM Revival 26 feedback...
Thanks to all who took the time to share your feedback on issue 26 of SAM Revival magazine which launched in June. It's all been tremendously positive! See the news section directly below to order your copy and to preorder issues 27 and 28.

SAM Revival issue 26 out now! 18th June 2022

I'm down at RetCon 2022 Retro Gaming Festival today, but a quick update to say SAM Revival 26 - Out now! A huge 72 page "soft relaunch" issue, full colour professionally printed magazine, full of SAM Coupe goodness, with a cover disk full of software.

If you've an old subscription or pre-order for SAM Revival issue 26 I'll be contacting you over the coming days to confirm the delivery address I've got for you is up to date for shipping the magazine out.

Features of issue 26 include:

   SAM News - New hardware, software, etc...
   Developer Diary - Cybernaut, Pang, Invasion III
   Demoscene - Quick review of two recent demos plus an interview with a demo coder
   SAM Comment - A look at isometric, pico-8 inspiration, Amalthea
   Megapreviews - Treasure Island Dizzy and The Lower Caverns

Accompanying the magazine is a cover disk packed with SAM Coupe software. Games:

   Flappy Bird - a SAM version of the classic hit, by Howard Price of Cooking Circle
   BattleZone - 3D vector tank game, port of arcade machine classic, by Digital Reality
   Wubtris (special edition) - Updated version of Wubtris from Rob Evans of Wubsoft
   Blokker - re-release of the first game from Mungus Software
   Mega Blast - re-release of an early Jupiter Software game

Plus 2 utilties:

   ARMSID Config Utility - change ARMSID settings if using this chip with SID Interface
   Trinity BootBlock Update - updated bootblock for Trinity + AutoBOOT ROM users.

SAM Revival issue 26 costs £9.99 + shipping.

Please note for countries other than the UK there may be customs/handling fees. For customers in the EU the magazine will be sent as DDU (Delivered Duties Unpaid) so you will be charged VAT and a possible admin fee by your local postal operator when the parcel enters the country. To order with the EU VAT automatically added please purchase via my eBay store.

SAM Revival issue 26

Looking to order several items, including SAM Revival 26? Please send me a message (click here) via my contact me form for a total with combined shipping costs.

Preordering the next issues...
The next two issues' feature programs are previewed in 26!

As you'll read in SAM Revival 26, there's two big games in the works for the SAM Coupe. Treasure Island Dizzy and The Lower Caverns are preliminary scheduled for the cover disks with issue 27 and 28.

Again, please note for countries other than the UK there may be customs/handling fees. For customers in the EU the magazines will be sent out upon release as DDU (Delivered Duties Unpaid) so you will be charged VAT and a possible admin fee by your local postal operator when the parcel enters the country. You may wish to wait until release to purchase via eBay and prepay the EU VAT there.

PREORDER: SAM Revival issue 27

PREORDER: SAM Revival issue 28

New Interface revealed at RCM Show... 9th May 2022

RCM in Leicester on 7th May
Shoutout to everyone I met at the Legendary Gathering at the Retro Computer Museum...

Saturday (7th May) saw the second Legendary Gathering of 2022 at the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester. I had a great day, brilliant to meet and chat with so many fellow retro developers and enthusiasts there!

As hinted over the last few weeks on Twitter, I'd been making a new prototype interface. Something different, something for fun, my own little folly. Saturday's show was prime time to show it off...

An interface to read VIC-20 cartridges! We've had a VIC-20 emulator on SAM for a number of years (brilliantly coded by Simon Owen back in 2008), but with my "8 bit gene splicing" antics of getting other computer stuff working on the SAM (such as my SID Interface first launched in 2003, to use the Commodore 64 SID soundchip, then ZX-ECUTOR in 2019 to use ZX Spectrum ROM Carts on SAM) I've had a nigling idea for a while to try something with VIC-20 cartridges to read them in and use on the emulator.

A few limitations and hurdles, I've had to modify the emulator to allow 8K cartridge dumps to reside in memory (with the current way the emulator is written I won't currently be able to tackle 16K/32K cartridges - although my interface can read all four of the 8K ROM areas from the cartridge.) and a few tweaks and patches to the emulator for different character set address handling, specific colours changes (due to SAM's graphic MODE2 limitations and how some games mix foreground/background colours) and a few other tweaks, I had Radar Rat Race cartridge being read in and running on the emulator. Followed the next day with Q*Bert!

Also had the show I had my ZX Spectrum Next dev board set up, using my ZX-RC Bus Interface to drive my RC2014 SID Soundchip Interface...

Keep up to date with future shows I'll be attending and latest news by keeping an eye on my Twitter:

General Update... 14th March 2022

Retro Computer Museum Legendary Gathering /
And thanks for the mention in the latest Pixel Fix Podcast...

On the 19th February I was a guest at the Retro Computer Museum's Legendary Gathering. Great to meet the people behind the museum in Leicester and there certainly was a lot of visitors - hello again to the SAM owners I met there, great to see people again at shows after the long lockdowns and put faces to names of folk I've got to know over the years.

My thanks to Dean, Andy and Rob at the RCM for the mention and kind words in their most recent Pixel Fix Podcast.

"He's supported the SAM Coupe for decades now... well, without him,
I don't think the SAM Coupe would exist..."

What you guys say certainly echoes the sentiments I've received from others over the years! I really enjoy what I do for the SAM Coupe and I've plenty more goodies for the system to come!

Anyway, click the image below to jump to the YouTube video of the podcast to hear it all...

New Year Update... 6th January 2022

Happy 2022 everyone. Three news updates to kick off the new year...

ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface
New hardware release for the ZX Spectrum!

My first release of 2022! This new "ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface" gives 2 expansion slots to add peripherals for the RC2014 Z80 based systems to your ZX Spectrum. The interface is compatible with all models of ZX Spectrum: 16K, 48K, +, 128K, +2, +3, +2A/B and the new ZX Spectrum Next.

In the video above I've used both my trusty ZX Spectrum+ and the ZX Spectrum Next (dev board). The interfaces I've demonstrated it with include the RC2014 Digital I/O card, the YM/AY Soundcard for the RC2014 by Ed Brindley, as well as the two RC2014 peripherals I've designed and released myself: Graphic OLED Interface and SID Soundchip Interface.

While the ZX Spectrum assigns all even I/O addresses to it's ULA chip, most RC2014 peripherals (such as the four mentioned above and in the demonstration video) do allow you to change the base I/O address so an address not used by the ZX Spectrum itself can be selected, but best to check the specifications of any other RC2014 cards you potentially want to connect to your Spectrum via this interface.

As well as two RC2014 interface slots this board also features a reset button (still handy for 16k/48k rubber keyed Spectrums) and an external power input (micro-USB) as alternative power supply for the plugged in cards rather than taxing the Spectrum's 7805 power regulator if you are using power hungry cards.

The ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface can also be fitted with an optional ZX Spectrum Edge Connector to allow you to plug in a standard ZX Spectrum interface vertically, as well as two RC2014 cards. This is extremely handy if you use a mass storage interface on your ZX Spectrum to save having to LOAD and SAVE to cassette etc. In the demonstration video I use the through port to plug in a DIVMMC Future interface to use SD cards for mass storage with my ZX Spectrum+. If you are going to be using the interface with the ZX Spectrum Next you'll probably not need to plug in a ZX Spectrum interface so can save a couple pounds by not having it fitted.

ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface with ZX through port edge connector fitted.

ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface without through port.


Both versions of the ZX-RC2014 Bus Interface are available now.

The version with the ZX through port costs £29.99
And the version without the through port costs £26.99.

To order please send me a message (click here) via my contact me form and I can send through a PayPal invoice for the total amount of the items plus shipping.

Alternatively, I have both interfaces listed on both eBay (seperate listings for with and without the ZX through port edge connector) and on Tindie (select with/without through port on the listing).


If buying on eBay and you are in the EU then eBay will automatically add on EU VAT as per new regulations, otherwise by buying direct or via Tindie you'll be charged via your country's customs when the parcel enters your country.

Don't forget, if you're a SAM Coupe user I've already released RC2014 Bus Interface cards to plug RC peripherals into the SAM - in both 2 and 4 slot versions. And I've also released two dedicated RC2014 peripherals - SID Soundchip Interface and Graphic OLED Interface.

Mechanical Keyboard feedback
Thanks for the feedback about the new keyboards!

I've been blown away by the demand and feedback for the mechanical keyboards I released for the SAM Coupe in October. Scroll down to the previous news update for all the information about both the Standard Edition and Limited 'Prototype Tribute' edition.

@SamsterDave on twitter snapped up a Limited Edition keyboard...

And feedback on the standard edition, which you transplant your original keycaps over to...

"Absolutely fantastic, well worth ever penny. Joy to use, one of the best items
I have bought for my SAMs for a long time."

"The keyboard is lovely to type on. such a lovely experience."

"Awesome Keyboard for the Sam Coupe forget the membranes... Fantastic Job By Quazar."

Both types of keyboard are now listed on eBay, or alternatively to order send me a message (click here) via my contact me form.

SN76489 Soundchip tinkering on the SAM Coupe
Continuing my sonic adventures on the SAM!

A bit of fun, wiring up another sound chip to the SAM Coupe, this time the SN76489 as used by a range of early computers and consoles such as the BBC micro and the Sega Master System.

If there's interest I can design a release version of the interface and improve the playback software.
Send me a message (click here) if interested!

*NEW PRODUCTS* Mechanical Keyboards... 4th October 2021

I'm proud to be able to announce my latest products for the SAM Coupe!

It's taken some work, but I'm happy to reveal today that I am releasing Mechanical Keyboards for the SAM! If you've problems with your existing keyboard or membrane here is a reliable solution, building on the quality inherent with mechanical keyboards.

Two different versions, both available now: a standard edition and a limited edition. Here are all the details...

Standard Edition Mechanical Keyboard

The standard edition of the Mechanical Keyboard replaces the whole keyboard assembly that sits in the top lid of the SAM Coupe case. The keycaps from your original keyboard can be easily moved over to the Mechanical Keyboard, with the stabilisers too for the Shift and Return keys.

The Mechanical Keyboard sits perfectly within the keyboard shelf on the lid of the SAM, secured in place via the existing four mounting holes. Connectors poke through the cutout used by the membrane tails, to which two ribbon cables then attach.

At the ends of the ribbon cables are two thin PCB connectors that plug directly into the keyboard connectors on the SAM motherboard.

No soldering required, the only tool needed is a posidrive screwdriver for opening the SAM Coupe case and to swap over the keyboard assemblies.

Throughout the designing and testing I've tried out many different types of mechanical switch and have chosen two types to keep in stock and offer. A linear style switch (60g pressure, a very comfortable typing switch that I'm now using myself) and a clicky style switch (55g pressure). The clicky style have a tactile/audible click when pressed and are a firm favourite of mechanical keyboard fans! You can choose the type of switch you'd like when ordering.

The standard edition Mechanical Keyboards are available now for £99.99 + shipping.

Limited Edition "Prototype Tribute" Mechanical Keyboard

Now this is something special! Inspired by the prototype SAM units, five of which were built in 1989 before the SAM went into full manufacture. Using soft mouldings of the SAM case, early PCB revisions, they were fitted with hand build keyboards using small tactile switches and clear keycaps. These 'SAMP' (SAM Prototype) machines were the final tests of the system and given to some of the main developers and testers at the time. Here's photos of two of the SAMP units...

I've paid attention and kept as close as possible to the original units, working from photographs I've been able to faithfully recreate a tribute mechanical keyboard as close as possible to the originals.

I'm producing a limited edition run of 9 of these Mechanical Keyboards, available now for £199.99 + shipping. Again, you can choose to have either linear or clicky switches fitted.


Both versions are available now. To order please send me a message (click here) via my contact me form and I can send through a PayPal invoice for the total amount of the items plus shipping. Please also advise the type of switch to be fitted - linear or clicky too. Any questions or queries, send them through too and I'll answer as soon as possible. For availability of the Limited Edition Prototype Tribute Keyboard, please also send me a message.

Alternatively, the standard edition Mechanical Keyboard is available via my eBay store, which is particularly useful for customers in EU countries as eBay will automatically add on EU VAT as per new regulations and I'll be able to log that on the shipping information to save a further handling charge being applied by the delivering postal service in your country.
Click here for my eBay store.

3 New Products... 10th September 2021

Over the last two weeks I've released three new pieces of hardware!

All are available now. To order please send me a message (click here) via my contact me form and I can send through a PayPal invoice for the total amount of the items plus the shipping. Any questions or queries, send them through too and I'll answer as soon as possible.

Alternatively, most of my items can be purchased via my eBay store, which is particularly useful for customers in EU countries as eBay will automatically add on EU VAT as per new regulations and I'll be able to log that on the shipping information to save a further handling charge being applied by the delivering postal service in your country.
Click here for my eBay store.

3 Way Expansion Card...

Released at the start of September 2021 based on a customer request, this is an expanded version of my two way expansion card that I've been producing for many years.

So if you need to plug in up to three peripherals to the main euroconnector expansion socket on the back of the SAM Coupe then this is the expansion card you need! Giving two vertical expansion sockets and one horizontal on the rear. There's also two optional spacers included which can be screwed into the card to give it support underneath.

Available now, priced £33.99 + shipping.

4 Slot RC2014 Bus Interface...

Another expanded version of an earlier interface, this expanded Bus Interface card lets you plug in four periperhals designed for the RC2014 DIY Z80 computer into the SAM Coupe. Designed to use I/O based peripherals please ensure the interfaces you connect to do not clash with the I/O space of the SAM Coupe itself (Ports &Ex, &Fx) or if used with other Quazar hardware (&Dx).

Available now for £28.99 + shipping.

Don't forget I now also produce a couple RC2014 peripherals, which all work on the SAM Coupe via the Bus Interfaces - see my subpage at:

ZX True Tone (ZXTT)...

I've a very long background in computer audio and this release harks back to the hours and hours I spent listening to the fantastic AY music on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the early 90's!

The ZX True Tone (or ZXTT for short) is an add-on module for Ed Brindley's YM / AY soundcard for the RC2014 DIY computer (and compatibles, plus it can be used on the SAM Coupe with either of my 2 slot or 4 slot RC2014 Bus Interface cards) and its purpose is to give it the exact clock frequency to the soundchip to have the correct pitch matching the AY in the ZX Spectrum 128K onwards.

The tone of the YM and AY soundchips are all derived from the clock signal it receives. The ZX Spectrum's AY soundchip was fed with a 1.7734MHz clock which this module matches. There isn't much control of the clock on Ed's soundcard, as his circuit can provide a clock from either the main system clock divided by 2 or divided by 4, or on the Rev 6.1 card a separate oscillator module. If you are using the card to play ZX Spectrum tunes and the AY is fed a clock speed lower then the pitch of the tones will be lower, likewise if clocked higher then the pitch of the tone will be higher, so the tunes won't sound exactly right.

My ZXTT module replaces one of the chips on the YM/AY interface and feeds the soundchip the exact 1.7734MHz clock speed so the tunes will be the exact same pitch as the ZX Spectrum. Essential for any serious demotune fans out there!

This module will fit both the Revision 5 of the YM/AY Soundcard boards (the version currently sold as a kit by RFC2795 Ltd on Tindie or and Revision 6.1 boards (gerbers/schematics for both 5 and 6.1 are available from Ed himself on Github -> electrified/rc2014-ym2149)

The ZXTT costs £14.99 + shipping, and is out now!

Here's a video of it in action, fitted to a Rev 5 YM/AY Soundcard, plugged into a 4 Slot RC2014 Bus Interface in the back of my SAM Coupe. I'm using code to play ZX Spectrum Soundtracker files (with a one byte patch to point to the I/O address of the soundcard). I'll be looking at the player routines and what to POKE different to drive this card in a future issue of SAM Revival magazine.

Update... 30th July 2021

Some quick updates...


Work continues on Symbiote - my eZ80 co-processor and advanced sound board, combined with several other hardware magic tricks. With the prototype just about fully complete having had some extra tweaks and enhancements, here's a little taster of it's advanced sound capabilities that I first showed on Twitter. 48KHz ADPCM 8:1 compressed 16-bit sample playback, based on some of my original code for the Quazar Surround soundcard, but as this is on the eZ80 it's at a much higher sampling rate.

If you're not already following me on Twitter, please do as I post most days there about my SAM developments -> @QuazarSamCoupe

SAM Revival 26...

Confirming the full software line up for the coverdisk with SAM Revival 26:

Blokker - Full game, by Mungus Software
Mega Blast - Full game, by Jupiter Software.
Wubtris Special Edition - New game by Rob Evans.
Flappy Bird - New game for 2021 by Howard Price.
Battlezone - New game for 2021 by Chris Pile.
Trinity Update - Updated bootblock code for Trinity users with the optional BOOT ROM.
ARMSID Config - Configure the chip mode and filter settings if you're using an ARMSID with the SID Soundchip Interface.

To preorder issue 26 of SAM Revival magazine, or for back issues, please see this page.

Coming up in future issues there'll be more classic re-releases of games from Jupiter, Mungus and Hydrasoft which I have the rights to so quite a few titles to come, plus some more new games and demos already lined up.

Limited Edition Hardware...

The nine Quazar Surround 25th Anniversary Edition soundcards that I have already announced are on track to be available in September. Although pricing is not confirmed yet, if you are interested in one please drop me a message and I'll add you to the list of who I'll be contacting when they are available to ship.

I'll be announcing the next limited edition hardware release in SAM Revival 26...

Trinity Ethernet Interface...

Alas, the batch of Trinity Ethernet Interfaces that were produced with purple PCBs are sold out. For the new batch I've gone with funky red! Trinity adds Ethernet and mass storage via SD / SDHC cards. Available for £79.99 + shipping.

Update! Magazines, Hardware, More... 12th November 2020

SAM Revival issue 26...

Hello and welcome if you're reading this having been pointed in my direction by the featuring of 'SAM Revival' magazine in David Crookes' retro article in the latest (and sadly last) issue of Computer Shopper magazine. I started SAM Revival magazine back in the summer of 2002 and since then it's expanded from a black and white printed fanzine into a professionally printed magazine with software coverdisks. All back issues of SAM Revival are available, for all the details on past issues and to order please click here.

(Just to correct the article slightly, 'Soundbyte' the disk I produced with games, utilities and music specifically for my Quazar Surround soundcard for the SAM Coupe, didn't evolve into SAM Revival - it's a seperate diskzine. I continued producing Soundbyte up until 2004 with a total of 76 issues. However with the new Quazar Surround 25th Anniversary Edition out later this year, plus the backwards compatibility in my forthcoming eZ80 co-processor, 'Symbiote', I have the urge to produce a few new issues! See the news later in this update regarding these new pieces of hardware...)

Issue 26 is now coming together and aiming to be at the printers at the end of the month, to be then sent out during early December. The fantastic cover was drawn by Warren Lee, to accompany his second Developer Diary entry for the game he's working on: 'Invasion III'.

The cover disk with issue 26 features several games and utilities, including Blokker (1995, Mungus Softare). Their first release way back in 1995, featuring sound effects for the Quazar Surround soundcard (and compatible with the forthcoming 'Symbiote' eZ80 co-processor which is Quazar Surround compatible in 'Legacy' mode).

The second re-release on the cover disk is MegaBlast (1994, Jupiter Software). Heavily inspired by 'Bomberman' style games, it features both a single player game and a multiplayer game for up to four players.

One of the utlities on the issue 26 cover disk allows you to configure the 'ARMSID' if you happen to be using one with your SID Soundchip Interface on your SAM Coupe.

New Release: ZX ROM SLOT Interface...


Presenting my second hardware release of 2020 and also my first piece of dedicated hardware for the ZX Spectrum. While I've focused purely on developing for the SAM Coupe since 1993 my first computer was a 48k ZX Spectrum back in 1983, followed by the +2 in 1986.

The ZX ROM Cartridge Slot gives your ZX Spectrum an Interface 2 style cartridge slot to allow you to use the ROM cartridges. Initially there were just 10 cartridges released back in 1983/4 but there's been a couple third party ones since, including my own 'ZX/SAM ROM CART' which you can see in my other listings.

System Requirements

The ZX ROM Cartridge Slot is compatible with all models of ZX Spectrum. There's a small switch on the interface to select the type of computer, which can be set as:

- 16K / 48K / 128K / +2 (this mode also for the new ZX Spectrum Next)

The later models had different control signals on the edge connector so to ensure correct operation on these later models my design also incorporates several diodes to ensure the signals operate correctly and let the internal system ROMs operate correctly when there's no cartridge plugged in.

There's also a reset button too, useful for 16K/48K ZX Spectrum users.

I've also tested this interface on the new ZX Spectrum NEXT. Works perfectly, set the switch to '16K/48K/128K/+2' and then use the ROM option in the Next's main menu.


The ZX ROM Slot Interface costs £16.99 + postage. Any questions please ask.

If you are also after an Interface 2 type cartridge to use on the ZX Spectrum, see the 'ZX/SAM ROM CART' below which has two free games included.

New Releases: Interfaces for the RC2014 and compatibles..

Something different, I've designed and released a couple interfaces for use with the RC2014 DIY Z80 Computer system (and compatibles that share the same bus). First is a SID Soundchip Interface, which is derived from my original SAM Coupe SID Interface, and also a Graphic OLED Interface.

However, using my RC2014 Bus Interface card released last year (scroll down!) these can also work on the SAM Coupe! In fact, the SID Interface is fully compatible with the existing SID software on the SAM!

For all the details and ordering for these two interfaces, please see my dedicated website at:

Coming Soon: Quazar Surround 25th Anniversary Edition...

25 years ago, in the summer of 1995 I posted out the first Quazar Surround soundcards for the SAM Coupe. In celebration, I'm producing a special, limited edition version of my soundcard.

The Quazar Surround was my first piece of hardware for the SAM, giving it multichannel, digital sound with surround sound outputs. Over the years I produced 76 issues of 'Soundbyte' diskzine to give the Quazar Surround masses of software support, and there are other full games and software that support the soundcard.

My original Quazar Surround soundcards were in an off the shelf aluminium case. The new anniversary limited edition are built into the black test mouldings produced for MGT's interface boxes before the full run in white back in 1989, making them extra special incorporating part of MGT's history. As such, there will only be a single batch of nine units available.

For more information and if you are interested in one, please send me a message via my Contact Me Form.

More information will also be in SAM Revival issue 26.

In Development: Symbiote...

I've been able to spend a fair bit of time working on the prototype (shown above in it's current form!) and software for Symbiote, my forthcoming eZ80 co-processor for the SAM. One final part of hardware to finish building and test before I start to put it together into the production version next year.

To keep up to date with the tinkerings on this, and everything else I do, please follow me on Twitter:

And Finally...

The last twelve months have been somewhat busy for hardware releases, with more coming before the year is out. I'm already planning software releases for early next year along with issue 27 of SAM Revival magazine, which should have a very 'eggciting' game on the coverdisk!

If you are looking to order several of my products; hardware, software, magazines, please drop me a message so I calculate a single shipping charge for the order. Please use the Contact Me Form. Always happy to hear from you if you have questions and queries too!

News Update... 22nd April 2020

New Release: ZX/SAM ROM CART - 16 bank flash memory card...


Presenting my first hardware release of 2020 and also my first piece of hardware that's also compatible with the ZX Spectrum as well as the SAM Coupe.

While I've focused purely on developing for the SAM Coupe since 1993 my first computer was a 48k ZX Spectrum back in 1983, followed by the +2 in 1986.

The ZX/SAM ROM CART allows you to store 16 ROM cartridge images (16K ZX Spectrum cartridge ROMs, with an expanded 32K mode for the SAM Coupe) on a single cartridge and select them by means of the rotary control in the corner of the cartridge. So if you have a ZX Spectrum (with an Interface 2, RAM Turbo interface, Kempston Pro Joystick interface or other interface to give it a cartridge port) or you have a SAM Coupe with the ZX-ECUTOR interface that I launched in December then this cartridge is for you!

Preloaded Software + Free Games!

The cartridge is supplied with a few pieces of test code loaded. Of course it cannot be supplied with any copyrighted code preloaded into it. But online you'll find a few cartridge games to download and install, as well as alternative ZX Spectrum system ROMs such as Geoff Wearmouth's GW03 and Looking Glass ROMs, a prototype ZX Spectrum ROM made available by the Centre for Computing History etc. By flashing a ZX System ROM you can have your SAM Coupe turn on into a ZX Spectrum emulating mode.

Most of the sixteen memory banks will be pre-loaded with just a small animation program to show that bank is empty. Interestingly, despite starting with the ZX Spectrum, this is my first machine code program for the ZX Spectrum.

The ZX/SAM ROM CART is also preloaded with two free games, thanks to the courtesy of Radastan (@Bytemaniacos on Twitter if you want to say thanks!). 'Mag the Magician' and 'Dead Space' were two games released as ZX ROM cartridges in 2017 and 2018. Cheers Radastan!

Lastly, I have written software to write to the memory of the cartridge which is included in one of the banks on the cartridge. This software is for the SAM Coupe only and can be installed onto a floppy disk.

Writing to the Cartridge

There are two ways to write ROMs into the sixteen banks on the cartridge.

Firstly, software for the SAM Coupe is included on the cartridge which makes it easy to write to the memory.

Alternatively, e.g. if you are a ZX Spectrum owner, you can pop out the flash memory chip and use an EEPROM programmer to write to the chip. (Your programmer will have to support the SST39SF family of memory chips).


The ZX/SAM ROM CART costs £19.99 + postage. Full instructions are included. Any questions please ask.

If you are looking to purchase the cartridge, along with other hardware/software/magazines then I can work out the total cost and shipping for you. Please use the Contact Me Form.

News Update... 13th February 2020

Two hardware releases from the end of 2019...

In November and December 2019 I released two new pieces of SAM hardware.


A new release for December 2019, this interface lets you use ZX ROM Cartridges for the ZX Spectrum directly on the SAM Coupe.

Supporting the original 10 ROM cartridges released back in 1983 by Sinclair for use with their Interface 2 with some classic titles such as Hungry Horace and Jetpac, the ZX-ECUTOR also supports new cartridge games such as Dead Space and other third party cartridges that I've been able to test it with.

Options let you copy the 16K ROM to RAM so it can run at the same speed as the ZX Spectrum, or run directly from the cartridge at uncontended ROM speeds so some games play way faster than the Spectrum due to the SAM's uncontended 6MHz access speed of ROM address space. Running directly from the cartridge supports third party ROM carts which use paging to get more than 16K of memory on them. However, please note that third party cartridges which are designed to load in snapshots will not work, they'll still be expecting to be on a real ZX Spectrum with it's own internal ROM.

Any questions, please ask, and see my twitter for some videos of the ZX-ECUTOR in action.

Available now for £39.99 + postage.

RC2014 Bus Interface Card

New for November 2019, this interface lets you connect RC2014 peripherals to the SAM Coupe, with two slots to allow two interfaces to connect at a time.

Designed to use I/O based peripherals please ensure the interfaces you connect to do not clash with the I/O space of the SAM Coupe itself (Ports &Ex, &Fx) or if used with other Quazar hardware (&Dx).

Available now for £19.99 + postage.

Mungus Software

A crowd of oddball characters join Quazar! Having bought the rights to Mungus Software's main catalogue of SAM Coupe games I'm looking to update them for re-release / feature on SAM Revival magazine coverdisks.

Mungus Software had small games featured on Soundbyte and Fred disk magazines back in the 90s, along with two full standalone releases - Blokker and IMPostors.

There's also the scope for potential sequels, early work was started on IMPostors 2 years ago. Please see issue 2 of SAM Revival magazine with Stephen from Mungus Software for an interview regarding IMPostors 2 back in 2002.

More news soon...

January Update... 24th January 2019

Latest news, including a rather big, exciting project...

(Additional update added 26th January 2019)

SAM Revival 26 Magazine

SAM Revival is bouncing back. It’s been quiet too long without a new issue, but I’m now back working on finishing issue 26. Despite the lack of a new issue recently, SAM Revival has evolved over the last couple of years into a professionally printed full colour publication.

Back issues of 24 and 25 are available in the new format and a great introduction to what’s been happening in the SAM Coupe world over the years, plus some great coverdisks of software. All earlier issues are also still available in their original laser printed format.

But more importantly, what’s going to be in issue 26? It’s mainly a catchup issue with a heck of a lot of news to catch up on what has been in the works since the last issue. Reviews of a new SAM game, plus previews of several more, one of which is going to be very eggciting and may make you dizzy with anticipation! The Developer Diary is packed with information on even more games in development. There's a new demoscene section, plus several more feature articles and all the usual regular sections too. There'll also be a lot of coverage of my next SAM interface, Symbiote (more on that below). The issue is looking to be over 64 pages in size, all wrapped up in full colour professionally printed magazine with a stunning cover drawn by Warren Lee.

The coverdisk will be featuring one new game and one re-release, plus several other demos and utilities - including a new boot block to install if you use the Trinity Ethernet Interface and the Auto BOOT ROM - this will let you automatically BOOT from a RECORD after B-DOS has been loaded in.

Symbiote - eZ80 Co-Processor for the SAM Coupe

Quick refresher of what Symbiote is. In 1995 my Quazar Surround soundcard gave SAM stunning digital surround sound. It’s been crying out for an update for years so it was originally my intention just to provide a tweaked soundcard using modern parts and possibly expand it with some external memory. Despite mentioning external memory back in SAM Revival 25 and on my website there really wasn't any real interest in that, afterall external memory was introduced by SAMCo back in 1992 for the SAM and apart from a few SAM programs which used it for RAMdisks it really ignored, so that idea was not one I lingered on.

So for Symbiote I decided a fresh, new approach was required. To drastically improve on the past capabilities without hanging onto anything that would be underutilised. Luckily, I already had a new design I could go back to. Back in 2003-7 I had been developing and prototyping a concept I had for a new SAM. Yes, that's right, I had plans for a new SAM way back then, into which I had single handedly put a lot of time, effort and money and it had progressed rather far. If you had been reading SAM Revival magazine you would have followed a few snippets of the work I had done through a few of the projects I had revealed - such as the prototype Mayhem Accelerator to use a faster Z80, as well as some non-descript photographs in the 'SAM Spy' sections. Plus the Trinity Ethernet Interface stemmed from that work too when I was looking at mass storage options - I did afterall need something to test out SD cards! But I had never revealed the bulk of the work which I had up and running that would have formed the core the system.

I've already had a few chats with SAM programmers and the ideas people are having to take advantage of the additional processing power of Symbiote are quite astonishing!

Where does Symbiote currently stand?

Prototyping and testing of all the subsections is completed. The next stage is preparation of the final hardware, firstly with the design of a new eZ80 sub board with the final memory configuration and DACs, essentially all the surface mount parts on a four layer PCB. After that combining all the rest of the hardware into the main board and the construction of an initial batch of interfaces for final testing, developers, complete the 'SAM in a Can 2's and anyone keen enough to start tinkering with it!

Pandemonium - a new SAM!

It started with three tweets on my twitter account on 1st January...

(1of3) 2019. It's now 26 years since I bought my first SAM Coupe and 24 years since I started Quazar and all my frantic developing for the system. It's a shame the SAM didn't thrive, but I often imagine what I could do if I ever got my hands on a handful of SAM's ASIC chips.

(2of3) The ASIC is the unique custom chip at the heart of the SAM Coupe. What could I do if I had some? A new SAM drastically enhanced with my extra peripherals and a faster Z80, plus an eZ80 co-processor? That would surely be some advanced micro! It would be utter pandemonium!

(3of3) I just need those SAM Coupe ASIC chips... Oh wait... I have over 200 ?? Okay... Hmm... Pandemonium... Thats a funky codename for a new SAM! So, I happily announce 'Pandemonium'! I've a long way to go but it's underway! Stay tuned...

While initially sounding a bit cryptic, I did just announce my next hardware project that will follow on from Symbiote!

Codenamed 'Pandemonium' for the time being, this will be a new SAM!

Yes, you did read that right, a new SAM!

What makes this possible? Well, as covered in my new year tweets, I've got my hands on several hundred of the ASIC chips - that's the customised VLSI logic array designed by Bruce Gordon, that provides all the main system logic of the SAM Coupe - graphics generation, memory paging, interrupts, MIDI, keyboard reading etc, etc.

Why the name 'Pandemonium'? It's expanding on 'Mayhem' the name I used for my prototype SAM accelerator. While interest was very low over a decade ago it never fully progressed into a released unit, however on the basis that I'll be able to make a limited quantity of spanking new SAMs it makes sense to add in whatever I can incorporate, so that does include making it faster if possible. I've already updated my accelerator design, so couple that with most of my other hardware peripherals that I've designed and released over the years, such as the Trinity Ethernet Interface and the forthcoming Symbiote, it'll be a rather fantastic computer!

With SAM Revival issue 26 being a catchup issue, I'll go into more depth of my plans in issue 27. In the meantime, if you have any comments or questions at all regarding Pandemonium, the other projects I have on the go for the SAM, my other products or really, anything to do with the SAM at all please always feel free to get in touch.

Canvas Art Prints

To help raise funds for my ongoing projects, such as Symbiote and Pandemonium, I've produced a range of canvas art prints. Ideal for jazzing up your computer room!

Having been able to get my hands on the ASIC chips, I've had one decapped. That's the process of acid etching through the epoxy case of the chip to reveal the silicon core of the chip itself. Under high magnification parts of the silicon were then photographed and I've captured a great image of just a small corner of the ASIC which reveals VLSI's logo and the part number. (I'll go into more detail about all this in issue 27 of SAM Revival where more of my work on Pandemonium will be revealed). These canvas prints of the ASIC are available in two sizes: 40x30cm and 60x40cm. (Approx size: A3 landscape and A2 landscape respectively).

For pricing and shipping please contact me here.

I've also produced canvas art prints of custom chips from other classic home computers, such as the ZX Spectrum ULA, Commodore 64 'SID' soundchip, Atari, Amiga 'Paula' Soundchip. For more information and to order please send me a message here.

Update... 11th February 2018

Time to catch up with some news!

Crash 2018 Annual...

If you follow the ZX Spectrum and SAM scene closely you would have seen last year a new issue of Crash magazine was funded via Kickstarter. Well, it was more than a new issue, it was a massive hard-backed annual which was released in December 2017.

Going back to the 1990s you would have seen the SAM pages within the pages of each issue. Crash really supported the SAM back in the early years, and I was honoured to write an article for the annual. Spanning 3 pages I covered very briefly the history of the SAM scene since the last issue of the magazine in the early 90s, then focused on some of the games that are in the works, and then the final section gave the first information on some of my new projects that I've been working on - see below for the info on them.

The Crash Annual 2018 is still available from Fusion Retro Books.

Amalthea II...

Early in 2017 I purchased the rights to Jupiter Software's old SAM work. It was a privilege to work with the Jupiter chaps during the late 1990s and I wanted to keep their legacy alive. They gave support for my Quazar Surround soundcard right from the get go, with both some of their commercial releases supporting it as well as special versions of some of their older games, new games and demos appearing on my Soundbyte magazine disk for the Quazar Surround.

They had originally planned a sequel to their hit game Amalthea (released in 1995 at the same time as the Quazar Surround) but the disks containing the early work were damaged or destroyed over the years. With only 3 development screenshots remaining I'm planning a sequel from scratch to keep the franchise going.

I'll be continuing to re-release older Jupiter games on the coverdisk with SAM Revival, so look out for them on forthcoming issues. However, with regards to the original Amalthea...

I'm currently in the process of putting together a special edition of it, updating the game code for newer SAM hardware (e.g. installing onto the mass storage on Trinity).

I'm aiming to have the game available in March, with both floppy disk (3 disks) or SD card versions (for use with the Trinity interfaces) available.

News on both the re-release of Amalthea and a look at Jupiter's legacy and my plans for Amalthea II will be in SAM Revival 26.


In 1995 my Quazar Surround soundcard gave SAM stunning digital surround sound. It’s been crying out for an update for years so it was originally my intention just to provide a tweaked soundcard using modern parts and possibly expand it with some external memory. Despite mentioning external memory back in SAM Revival 25 and on my website there really wasn't any real interest in that, afterall external memory was introduced by SAMCo back in 1992 for the SAM and apart from a few SAM programs which used it for RAMdisks it really ignored, so that idea was not one I lingered on.

So for Symbiote I decided a fresh, new approach was required. To drastically improve on the past capabilities without hanging onto anything that would be underutilised. Luckily, I already had a new design I could go back to. Back in 2003-7 I had been developing and prototyping a concept I had for a new SAM. Yes, that's right, I had plans for a new SAM way back then, into which I had single handedly put a lot of time, effort and money and it had progressed rather far. If you had been reading SAM Revival magazine you would have followed a few snippets of the work I had done through a few of the projects I had revealed - such as the prototype Mayhem Accelerator to use a faster Z80, as well as some non-descript photographs in the 'SAM Spy' sections. Plus the Trinity Ethernet Interface stemmed from that work too when I was looking at mass storage options - I did afterall need something to test out SD cards! But I had never revealed the bulk of the work which I had up and running that would have formed the core the system.

Symbiote is a co-processor for the SAM. Featuring 8 DAC sound channels, four and a half megabytes of RAM, the main core of Symbiote is focussed around a Zilog eZ80 processor at 48MHz. The far superior architecture gives the equivalent of over 32 times the raw processing power of the SAM's 6MHz Z80. Zilog describe the eZ80 as a Z80 on steroids and they aren't wrong, it's a real powerhouse of an 8-bit processor! If you can code in Z80 then adapting to the eZ80 should not take you long at all. Despite the jump in power the archetecture inside is just an expanded version of Z80.

Sound wise Symbiote will offer full backwards compatibility with the original Quazar Surround soundcard when running in legacy mode (which it defaults to on startup) but the interface will be light years ahead when running its own native code, both for sound generation or other processing tasks on behalf of the SAM.

I have to stress that Symbiote is not just a replacement for the Quazar Surround soundcard - it’s a whole new processor system added to the SAM Coupe. Think of what would be possible if a game engine is running on the eZ80 and data is passed back to the SAM’s Z80 to display. There's so many exciting possiblities in terms of sound, games, emulators etc. I've already had a few chats with SAM programmers and the ideas to take advantage of the additional processing power of Symbiote are quite astonishing!

If you follow my twitter you'll have seen bits and pieces of news as I finalise the production design, most recently testing the memory chips I will be using. For much more thorough information and more of the backstory from when I was working on my concept for a new SAM please show your support for what I do by preordering issue 26 of SAM Revival as that will have all the latest news, specifications and info on Symbiote.

And finally...

As mentioned above, don't forget to keep an eye on my tweets on Twitter. I often put up photos or quick snippets of news as I put time in working on my projects.

Bookmark the link to my page:

SAM Revival Magazine... 5th January 2017

SAM Revival Magazine...

Following on from the news article a few days ago on 1st January, I'm pleased to announce that back issues of issue 24 of SAM Revival are now available as a professionally printed full colour magazine.

Here's a recap of what is in this issue and on the accompanying coverdisk.

- News from around the SAM Coupé Scene (April 2013).

- What happened to Sandman's Shadow - information, screenshots and sketches from Gordon Wallis about the point-and-click adventure game he was developing back in 1992.

- Developer Diary - Lots of info from SAM developers featuring a Space Invaders Arcade Machine Emulator (Simon Owen), Wubtris + more (Rob Evans).

- Coupe Correspondence - lots of readers letters.

- SAM Comment - kicking around some potential new projects for the SAM Coupe.

On the coverdisk...

- The full game 'The Witching Hour' by John Vincent (who also painted the fab cover artwork for the magazine too!)

- There's also the preview demo 'Minutes Before The Witching Hour'.

In the new full colour format, SAM Revival 24 costs £9.99 plus shipping.

For international orders the postal options above are just for the one issue, if you are looking to buy more than one issue of the magazine, or other items from my range of hardware and software then please contact me so I can caluclate the total postage for your order.

Back Issues of SAM Revival...

All back issues of SAM Revival are still available, to make things easier I've put up a temporary webpage with all the details of each issue to save you wading through the archived news pages, as well as giving ordering details - click the link below to go to the page:

Click Here For Details On SAM Revival Back Issues!

Also, scroll down to the news story below for buy it now buttons for issue 25 in the new format and to pre-order issue 26.

2017 New Year Update... 1st January 2017

SAM Revival Magazine...

It's a fresh, new year so onwards with my first announcement of 2017!
(And I've a lot more announcements coming throughout the year!)

I've taken another big step to improve SAM Revival magazine. Since inception in 2002 SAM Revival has evolved several times. Starting as just a black and white paper magazine a cover disk was introduced from issue 9 to feature both old and new SAM Coupe software. The next change occured with issue 14 where I introduced a couple of colour pages per issue.

So it's now been a while since since the magazine has changed. Going forward, instead of the black and white (and occasional colour page) laser printed issues I've now made the exciting decision to have the magazine professionally printed as a full colour, bound publication. This really adds to the quality and feel of the magazine. 've already gone ahead with having batches of the last two issues produced (24 and 25). The batch of issue 25s has already arrived with me and these really are stunning - the look and feel of the magazine is overwhelming compared to the previous laser printed editions.

The pricing for issues 24, 25 and future issues will cost £9.99. For postal rates please ask as the postage will be charged at cost going by the total weight.

To order issues of SAM Revival, and all the other products I produce for the SAM Coupe, please use the Contact Quazar page to drop me an email.

If you've not already got the current issue (25) then you really have been missing out and now with it available as a full colour book you've no excuse to not pick up a copy.

So what's in the magazine? Well, let's take a look at the cover first. I commissioned a new drawing by Robin Evans - the original artist for the SAM robot, you'll be familiar with all his doodles in the SAM Coupe User Guide and the early MGT adverts from 1989/1990. Well he dusted off his memory of drawing the robot and has came up trumps with the drawing for the cover.

Inside the magazine, a mammoth news section kicks off after the editorial, covering news from around the SAM scene, with all the details of new hardware, software and demos for the SAM Coupe as well as previews of projects that are being worked on.

Feature articles shows off all the work undertaken by Phil Wilson with the customising of his SAM, plus shorter articles about several other customisation projects. The Developer Diary section looks at the new game that's Warren Lee is preparing, and a quick look at TRINload from Simon Owen which is a utility to transfer data from a PC to the SAM via the Trinity Ethernet Interface.

Smaller articles look at patching some demos to make them compatible on mass storage devices. I also take a look at some of the rarer and more unique items I've collected over the years for the SAM Coupe.

Throw in the usual SAM Snippets, SAM Correspondence and SAM Comment sections and that wraps up this gigantic 56 page issue of the magazine. And now the full colour print really adds a lot more depth to the contents.

SAM Revival issue 25 comes with not just one, but two cover disks. On the first is the classic SAM Coupe game 'Vegetable Vacation' from Fissionsoft, which was original released in 1992 by Revelation/SAMCO. Next up is 'MobyDX' from Black Jet - a new release especially for SAM's anniversary - thanks guys!

The first coverdisk also features plenty of software for the Trinity Ethernet Interface - starting off with a new version of B-DOS. This version (1.5t beta 6) allows the Trinity to use SD/SDHC cards up to a whopping 64GB in size. An installer is also included on the disk to store the new DOS on the Trinity Ethernet Interface's EEPROM if you use the optional BOOT ROM. Plus, there are the first few TCP/IP demo programs for the Trinity Ethernet Interface. The first demo downloads a screen/music from the internet, the second demo downloads the full game 'XOR' from the net directly to your SAM. This all really shows what's on the horizon for the SAM now it's connected to the internet. My thanks to all those involved with pushing the Trinity forward - Adrian Brown, Simon Owen, Chris Pile, and content for the downloadable demos from Warren Lee, David Sanders and Howard Price.

The second coverdisk is dedicated entirely to mind blowing megademo from MNEMOtech's Andrew Collier - 'Stars and Sprites'. Andrew has done some really impressive coding for the fantastic graphical effects and great music! Plus one of the scrollers does mention something about a hidden part... Hmmmm!


Don't forget to keep an eye on my tweets. With lots of things to come in 2017 I'll be posting up there on a daily basis.

Bookmark the link to my page:

Update... 9th July 2016

SAM in a CAN 2

I'm currently working on building up four new 'SAM in a Can's to make available to sell.

What is a 'SAM in a Can'? It's a recased SAM Coupe motherboard, upgraded with just about all of my extra hardware peripherals to become the ultimate SAM Coupe system!

It's been quite a few years since I've made any, either from scratch myself or recasing another user's own SAM Coupe, but this time I'm going all out with them - hence the updated name SIAC2! To see some examples of ones I've built in the past scroll down this archived news page here.

The original SIAC I made between 2002-8 used a standard (and very cheap!) aluminium case which I had to saw and drill myself, it did the job, but didn't look as good as it could have. But for this next generation SIAC2 I have gone all out with a custom case that I have had professionally milled and drilled and looks stunning:

Inside the SIAC2 the hardware will consist of:

Original SAM Coupe motherboard
256K Memory Expansion
One disk drive
PC Keyboard Interface
Serial Mouse Interface
Trinity Ethernet Interface
New updated Quazar Surround soundcard
SID Soundchip Interface, with 6581 SID.

I'll expand on the insides when I'm further on with the build. I do already have a waiting list of interested people who are looking to buy a full SIAC2 system, however if you are interested and would like to be notified when I have some ready please send me an email. However please note I do not currently have a price set for them.

Want your own SAM Coupe recased and upgraded?

As well as building up four SIAC2 myself, I will be offering the service to recase your own SAM Coupe into a SIAC2 and upgrading it with your choice of hardware bits and pieces.

If you are interested please drop me an email to express your interest. At the end of August I'll see how many people are interested and work out deposits to have the next batch of cases manufactured.

Latest News... 20th December 2015

Some more auction items...

My thanks to those who won the recent auctions for the signed prints of the Robin Evans artwork. That helped raise a good few pounds to go into help fund my ongoing SAM Coupe projects.

Carrying on in a similar note, I've put up a couple items from my own SAM collection, again what is made from these auctions will go towards funding my projects. I've quite a few things planned for 2016 and I'll do a major update in the early new year!

Both auctions end on the evening of Tuesday, 22nd December.

First up, I have a test moulding in black plastic of the case used by MGT for their SAM Coupe interfaces. In 1989 when the plastic moulds were made for the SAM Coupé Interface boxes a small run of test cases were made in black plastic, to check the moulds and sizes were all correct. This was before the large production run which was later carried out in white plastic for all the final interfaces from MGT, such as the Comms interface etc.

Auction link: Prototype black interface box

Next I have a SAM Coupe case which I am selling from my own collection. Consisting of:

Plastic Top - very good condition. Slight yellowing due to the age. Both the MGT and SAM Coupe logos are in fantastic condition.
Metal base plate - good condition. Has white silk screen on rear ports (not all base plates have this). Slight paint flaking by two ports - see the third photo
Drive bay cover - very good condition. Slight yellowing like the main case itself.
plus 6 new case screws to screw it altogether.

Ideal if you want to recase your SAM if it's gone really yellow or the logos have faded.

Signed Print of SAM Coupe Robot artwork by Robin Evans... 21st October 2015

To celebrate 25 years of the SAM Coupe computer, I commissioned artist Robin Evans last year to draw a new piece of artwork featuring the SAM Coupe's Robot mascot for the cover of the latest issue of my 'SAM Revival' magazine (issue 25 - all the news about the magazine and how to order are below in the news entry from 30th September).

Robin was the original artist behind the SAM Robot, which featured in the SAM Coupe User Manual and various other marketing materials for Miles Gordon Technology back in 1989 / 1990 when the SAM Coupe computer was launched. As part of the commission for the magazine cover I had a couple of signed prints produced by Robin which he has hand signed in the bottom right hand corner.

The print is A4 in size and mounted in a simple silver frame, the picture looks stunning and is sure to be a nice piece of SAM Coupe memorabilia for all you collectors out there!

Although I paid for the commission of the artwork out of my own pocket, the proceeds of the sale of the prints will be ploughed right back into all my ongoing SAM Coupe projects. Let's keep the SAM going for another 25 years!

The print is listed on eBay as a 10 day auction, ending at 7pm on the 30th October.

*UPDATE* Finally Out - SAM Revival issue 25... 30th September 2015

It's finally out! Preorders are shipping this week.

* SAM Revival 25 - 56 pages packed with SAM goodies for the 25th Anniversary of the computer.
* Brand new SAM Robot cover from original SAM artist, Robin Evans.
* 2 cover disks including a brand new game, Trinity software and stunning megademo.
* SAM Customisation articles showing brilliant modifications.
* Developer Diary looks in detail at new software projects.

November 20th 1989 was once announced as the official release date for the SAM Coupe in the press at the time, although the first batch of computers didn't ship until early December. But what that means though, is SAM's 25th Anniversary is now well and truly upon us! So to continue my celebrations it's time to announce SAM Revival issue 25!

What's in the magazine? Well, let's take a look at the cover first. I commissioned a new drawing by Robin Evans - the original artist for the SAM robot, you'll be familiar with all his doodles in the SAM Coupe User Guide and the early MGT adverts from 1989/1990. Well he dusted off his memory of drawing the robot and has came up trumps with the drawing for the cover. As part of the commission I've also got a couple of prints of the cover artwork which Robin has hand signed - the first of which will be auctioned on eBay on 20th October 2015 - I'll post up some photos over the next few days and a link to the auction once it's started. Although I paid for the comission of the artwork from my own pocket all proceeds from the auction will be used towards my ongoing work developing new products for the SAM Coupe. Stay tuned for more details of that nearer the time...

Inside the magazine, a mammoth news section kicks off after the editorial, covering news from around the SAM scene, with all the details of new hardware, software and demos for the SAM Coupe as well as previews of projects that are being worked on.

Feature articles shows off all the work undertaken by Phil Wilson with the customising of his SAM, plus shorter articles about several other customisation projects. The Developer Diary section looks at the new game that's Warren Lee is preparing, and a quick look at TRINload from Simon Owen which is a utility to transfer data from a PC to the SAM via the Trinity Ethernet Interface.

Smaller articles look at patching some demos to make them compatible on mass storage devices. I also take a look at some of the rarer and more unique items I've collected over the years for the SAM Coupe.

Throw in the usual SAM Snippets, SAM Correspondence and SAM Comment sections and that wraps up this gigantic 56 page issue of the magazine.

SAM Revival issue 25 comes with not just one, but two cover disks. On the first is the classic SAM Coupe game 'Vegetable Vacation' from Fissionsoft, which was original released in 1992 by Revelation/SAMCO. Next up is 'MobyDX' from Black Jet - a new release especially for SAM's anniversary - thanks guys!

The first coverdisk also features plenty of software for the Trinity Ethernet Interface - starting off with a new version of B-DOS. This version (1.5t beta 6) allows the Trinity to use SD/SDHC cards up to a whopping 64GB in size. An installer is also included on the disk to store the new DOS on the Trinity Ethernet Interface's EEPROM if you use the optional BOOT ROM. Plus, there are the first few TCP/IP demo programs for the Trinity Ethernet Interface. The first demo downloads a screen/music from the internet, the second demo downloads the full game 'XOR' from the net directly to your SAM. This all really shows what's on the horizon for the SAM now it's connected to the internet. My thanks to all those involved with pushing the Trinity forward - Adrian Brown, Simon Owen, Chris Pile, and content for the downloadable demos from Warren Lee, David Sanders and Howard Price.

The second coverdisk is dedicated entirely to mind blowing megademo from MNEMOtech's Andrew Collier - 'Stars and Sprites'. Andrew has done some really impressive coding for the fantastic graphical effects and great music! Plus one of the scrollers does mention something about a hidden part... Hmmmm!

Update: 1st January 2017 - Back issues of SAM Revival 25 costs £9.99 with UK postage, £12.99 with EU postage and £13.99 for the rest of the world.

New Hardware! 2014 Edition of the SID Soundchip Interface... 6th July 2014

New Hardware!

Marking the start of my own celebrations for the 25th Anniversary of the SAM Coupé I've launched a new, improved version of my SID Soundchip Interface.

Originally released back in 2003, my SID Interface allowed the SAM to use the soundchip from a Commodore 64. This all stemmed from my own small pet project exploring old forms of computer sound - with it's unique sound the SID soundchip remains very popular with computer audiophiles to this day.

As I needed another batch of PCBs for the SID Interface I decided it was time to add some improvements. The 2014 edition features an onboard DC to DC convertor to generate the supply voltage for the SID soundchip so an external PSU is no longer required. The circuit board is also a golden yellow colour marking the 25th Anniversary of the SAM Coupe, and is styled to match my other recent hardware such as the Trinity Ethernet Interface and the 2 Way Euroconnector Expansion card.

Bundled with the interface is a disk of software, featuring Simon Owen's marvelous .sid playback code. Using a software emulator to run 6510 machine code (the Commodore 64's processor) the SAM is able to run .sid music files in realtime (essentially partial C64 emulation on the SAM!) so there's now the ability to listen to thousands of C64 music files. The disk features a selection of some of our favourite tunes!

Please note the interface is supplied without a SID chip - you'll have to get your hands on an old C64 and remove the chip (its usually in a socket so very easy to get out). As there are two types of SID (6581 - from the original C64, and the 8580 from the redesigned new-look C64) the interface has to be built up specifically for the chip that is going to be fitted due to different supply voltages and filter capacitors.

The new 2014 edition of the SID Soundchip Interface is priced at £44.99 (excluding postage) and is available now.

To order - drop me an email via the 'Contact Quazar' page and let me know which version of SID soundchip you require the interface to be customised for.

Into The New Year... 1st January 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!

As you may have seen I was putting the odd tweet up over the holidays with things that are being worked on, so here's some more news to expand on them further.

B-DOS Update for the Trinity Ethernet Interface

Thanks to the coding talents of Chris Pile the Trinity version of B-DOS has been drastically rewritten and updated to support MMC, SD and SDHC cards up to 64GB in size! I've been testing it out with a couple of 16GB SDHC cards (as per the screen shot above) and they hold the equivalent of over 19600 SAM floppy disks.

New Features:

- Support for MMC, SD and SDHC cards up to 64GB in size. (Previous limit was 1GB maximum)
- This includes support for 2GB and 4GB SD cards, which do not use the standard 512byte sector sizes.
- Improved compatiblity with cards.
- Faster reading / writing data (5% speed up)
- Hot Swap cards - swap the card in the Trinity while it's still on and then type RESTORE DEVICE to have B-DOS reinitialise.

The new version of B-DOS (version 1.5t beta 6) will be included with the Trinity Ethernet Interface from now on, and I've also updated the installer for the Trinity BOOT ROM to use this version too. (The BOOT ROM allows your SAM to automatically load in B-DOS from the EEPROM memory on the Trinity when the computer is turned on / reset).

For existing owners the new B-DOS will also be included on the next issue of SAM Revival (issue 25). If you have already pre-ordered this issue then I can send you a disk image with B-DOS as a courtesy straight away so you can start using it - drop me a message via the 'Contact Quazar' page and I'll email this across to you.

Custom Hardware

As well as my normal range of hardware don't forget I can also make custom hardware for the SAM Coupe on request. This interface above gives an external drive connector as well as a normal through port. It's about to fly off to an eager SAM user in Germany!

External Memory

As you may (or may not!) know the SAM Coupe can support 4MB of external memory as well as the normal 512K of internal memory. SAMCo did sell external 1MB memory units back in 1991-1993 to add on external memory.

I've been looking into making external memory following a request and have come up with a design for an interface that can support 1, 2 or 4MB of memory in a single, small design - that's my prototype above. (The original SAMCo interfaces used 16 chips to give each MB of memory, by comparison my design uses 5 chips for 1 or 2MB, or 6 chips for 4MB).

If it's something you might like drop me an email so I can gauge interest.

SAM Revival 24 now finally out! 24th April 2013

It's about time...

Yes, it's back! Yes, it's been a long time! It's been a rocky road to get this issue done, and unfortunately work on new SAM Coupé bits and bobs hasn't always been able to feature high on my list of priorities recently. Please remember it's always been just a hobby for myself over the last 19 years, never a business, so thanks for your patience, and I now hope to get things back to normal.

Inside issue 24...

- News from around the SAM Coupé Scene.

- What happened to Sandman's Shadow - information, screenshots and sketches from Gordon Wallis about the point-and-click adventure game he was developing back in 1992.

- Developer Diary - Lots of info from SAM developers featuring a Space Invaders Arcade Machine Emulator (Simon Owen), Wubtris + more (Rob Evans).

- Coupe Correspondence - lots of readers letters.

- SAM Comment - kicking around some potential new projects for the SAM Coupe.

On the coverdisk...

On the coverdisk you’ll find the full game 'The Witching Hour' by John Vincent (who also painted the fab cover artwork for the magazine too!) There's also the preview demo 'Minutes Before The Witching Hour'.

Update: 1st January 2017 - Back issues of SAM Revival 24 costs £9.99 with UK postage, £12.99 with EU postage and £13.99 for the rest of the world.

Back issues...

All back issues of SAM Revival are still available, priced at £3.99 each including UK Postage.

For international shipping please let me know what you would like to order and I can then work out the shippings costs to be added.

Updates / First downloadable game on the SAM Coupe! 7th April 2013

Keep an eye on my Twitter...

Although this website has been rather sparse with news lately please keep an eye on my Twitter where I post new developments and my SAM Coupe musings. My most recent twitter posts are in the box above, or click on the 'QuazarSamCoupe' name in the box to reach my main Twitter page.

Despite being visibly generally quiet, work does continue slowly behind the scenes on a few SAM developments.

First Downloadable Game On The SAM Coupe...

This is another small program to test transfers via TCP/IP using the Trinity Ethernet Interface with the SAM Coupe. This time it's a game that's being downloaded straight to the SAM!

What this program is doing is fetching code from the web straight to the SAM Coupe via ethernet using the Trinity Ethernet Interface. The video shows the SAM Coupe booting B-DOS from startup (the SAM has a Trinity Boot ROM installed so on powerup/reset it will load in B-DOS from an EEPROM that is onboard the Trinity) then via BASIC commands I'm typing in a virtual disk is selected on the SD card that's in the Trinity (As well as an ethernet port the Trinity interface also gives mass storage via SD / MMC memory cards) and then the test program is then loaded, which then downloads the code for the game.

This work is paving the way for some interesting internet software for the SAM Coupe, such as 'SAMonline' which will get you the latest news and downloads for the SAM straight to your machine!

For more information on the Trinity Ethernet Interface and everything else I produce for the SAM Coupe please see my website at:

I've put this test program together with help from the following people:

Adrian Brown - who has ported a TCP/IP stack to the SAM Coupe (converting by hand C code to Z80 assembler!)

Simon Owen - who coded a Trinty Ethernet Driver. (visit Simon's website for more SAM Coupe stuff at: )

Howard Price - big thanks to Howard for letting his SAM Coupe remake of the classic game 'XOR' become the first downloadable game straight to the SAM Coupe itself! (You can visit Howard's website at

Any questions - drop me an email!

Trinity Update...

The Trinity Ethernet Interface has become my most popular piece of hardware to date, and the demo TCP/IP programs (such as the XOR downloader above) are now bundled with the interface. (These TCP/IP programs will also be included on the SAM Revival coverdisk with issue 25).


For normal orders (as per my 'Placing an Order' page) please let me know what you would like to order and I can then work out the shippings costs to be added to the cost of the items. Due to Royal Mail's recent hikes I now use a courier to keep costs down where possible. I'm looking into more options for International Orders too rather than Airmail via Royal Mail.

For international orders of SAM Revival, the postage costs have gone up dramatically (approximately £1.30 Airmail postage -> £3.00 Airmail postage) so I am unable to maintain the old EU pricing for magazines. When issue 24 is released I'll update the pricing for preordering new issues. For ordering old issues please let me know which issues you would like and I'll work out the cheapest way to ship them to you.

General Update... 15th April 2012

SAM Revival - Preview of issue 24...

As a teaser for issue 24 of SAM Revival magazine, I've uploaded a preview issue of the magazine which contains one of the full articles from the magazine:

Click here to download the SAM Revival 24 Preview Issue (PDF, 1.4MB)

Comments welcome!

SAM Revival and Royal Mail Postage Charges...

Royal Mail are hiking up their prices on 30th April and although this won't have much impact to cost of items being sent within the UK it will drastically affect shipping charges for international orders.

Update... 4th March 2012

Video of TCP/IP code in action with the Trinity Ethernet Interface...

This video shows a small program to test transfers via TCP/IP using the Trinity Ethernet Interface with the SAM Coupe.

What this program is doing is fetching a 32K file from the web straight to the SAM Coupe via ethernet using the Trinity Ethernet Interface. The video shows the SAM Coupe booting B-DOS from startup (the SAM has a Trinity Boot ROM installed so on powerup/reset it will load in B-DOS from an EEPROM that is onboard the Trinity) then via BASIC commands I'm typing in a virtual disk is selected on the SD card that's in the Trinity (As well as an ethernet port the Trinity interface also gives mass storage via SD / MMC memory cards) and the test program is then loaded. This then fetches a 32K file from the web containing the picture (24K) and a piece of eTracker music (8K).

In essense it's just a simple file downloader that can fetch files from web space - but it shows the great work that's progressing for getting the SAM Coupe online!

I've put this test program together with help from the following talented people:

Adrian Brown - top SAM Coupe coder - who has ported a TCP/IP stack to the SAM Coupe (converting by hand C code to Z80 assembler!)

Simon Owen - another top SAM Coupe coder - who coded an Trinty Ethernet Driver. (visit Simon's website for more SAM Coupe stuff at:

Warren Lee - cool artist and SAM game programmer - I converted one of his digital paintings to 16 colours for this demo. (Check out Warren's blog at: )

David Sanders - great SAM musician and a dab hand at knocking up tunes in Etracker! (The tune used was a conversion by David of some of the music from the Amiga/Atari ST game 'Harlequin', which was converted for a potential port of the game to the SAM a couple of years ago)

Any questions - drop me an email!

Surprise Images...

Over February I've been posting videos and images on my twitter feed, but if you don't follow me on Twitter here's some of the things you would have missed...

Some of my early 3D test routines on the SAM Coupe used BASIC to quickly plan the maths routines for Stratosphere.

A custom request - a 64K ROM for the SAM Coupe with both ROM3 and the Trinity Boot ROM - with a switch to select.

Some of the 3D Quazar Surround images used on the startup of 'Stratosphere'. (3D calculated in BASIC then filled).

Other game ideas I researched and started early work on was for a karting game for the SAM Coupe.
(For more information on this - see the article in issue 2 of SAM Revival!)

Some more graphics I knocked up for an idea for a platform game for the SAM Coupe - must have been in the late 1990s.

Update... 17th July 2011

It's about time there was an update...

Yeap, that's certainly true, it's been a bit quiet here recently. Unfortunately it's the age old problem of not having enough time to really sit down and get on with SAM stuff. Of course I've still been shipping hardware, software and back issues of magazines but the lack of time means I've not been able to really concentrate on new developments. Please remember this is just my hobby and there's plenty of other things in life that take up my time. However I'm getting back to being able to spend the odd bit of time with the SAM and trying to get the ball rolling again...

SAM Revival issue 24

Yes, it is finally coming! It's just about there, as the page grabs above show! Just a couple of pages to finish off then it's ready to print.

Inside the issue:

* The latest news from the SAM Coupé Scene.
* What happened to Sandman's Shadow - information, screenshots and sketches from Gordon Wallis.
* Developer Diary - Lots of info from SAM developers featuring Space Invaders Arcade Machine Emulator (Simon Owen), Wubtris + more (Rob Evans).
* Coupe Correspondence - 7 pages of letters.
* SAM Comment - 5 pages of ideas being kicked around for SAM projects.
* On the coverdisk - full SAM game, "The Witching Hour" by John Vincent (who also painted the fab magazine cover!)

For subscribing or ordering in general please use the Contact Quazar page to drop me an email.

SAM Revival issue 25

Work is well underway with the content of issue 25 too, it's about 60% complete so far and will feature:

* Developer Diary - information, screenshots and sketches from a new SAM game that's under development.
* SAM Modding - Lots of info and photos from several people who've been modding their SAM Coupe.
* Plus the usual news, letters and comments section.
* Cover disk - TBA - but planning for something big for SAM Revival 25th issue!

SAM Revival Special

I'm still continuing work on the special issue of SAM Revival that was originally intended to celebrate the SAM's 20th Birthday last year. This issue is aiming towards being an A4 sized magazine with 64 pages, all in colour and bundled with three coverdisks. It'll be seperate from the normal SAM Revival magazines (i.e. it won't be covered by the normal price or part of a subscription for obvious reasons!).

With so much input from a lot of famous SAM faces, both past and present, it's shaping up to be something special indeed. More information (without spoilers!) as it progresses. Ideally, after SAM Revival 25 is out I'll be focusing on finishing this special issue.

Feedback / Contributions

As you can see from issue 24's contents there is 12 pages of letters and comment, so a big thank you for those who email in to the magazine. It's great to see a lot of interest and it's spilling over into issue 25 and beyond too with the number of questions and comments.

Contributions are always welcome for SAM Revival, both for the paper magazine and the cover disk. Also if you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see featured in the magazine please let me know. Drop me a line via the Contact Quazar page.

Quick News Updates

For quick news updates and information on occasional special offers keep an eye on my Twitter feed.

SAM Revival 23 finally out... 12th April 2010

Finally, issue 23 of SAM Revival is out now!

On the coverdisk you’ll find the fantastic VIC-20 emulator from Simon Owen, a new wireframe 3D demo from Thomas Harte, and a full adventure game from Hydrasoft / Pete King.

Inside the magazine you’ll find seven pages of news from around the SAM world covering all the latest developments and what is on the horizon. The Developer Diary looks at the progress by Adrian Brown of porting a TCP/IP stack to the SAM, Thomas Harte covers the work on his 3D engine and Colin Piggot goes over the improvements to the newest version of B-DOS for the Trinity Ethernet Interface. There’s also source code for the new patched SAM ROM to auto boot from the Trinity.

This issue of SAM Revival costs £3.99 for the UK, for outside the UK please use the 'Contact Quazar' option to drop me an email and I can work out postage for you.

Editorial 7th March 2010

A big hello to any new visitors who may have seen the link in this month's issue of Retro Gamer! Welcome!

A nice article from Martyn in Retro Gamer about the early days of the SAM, but a bit cruel to have the SAM on the gravestone on the cover! As you'll see there is plenty happening for the SAM Coupe so no need to dwell on the past about the old MGT and SAMCo days!

Quazar is a one man operation, I've been designing hardware and software for over 16 years, as well as producing SAM Revival magazine for the past 7 years - you'll find information about most of my projects on this website and if you are looking to find out more about the SAM Coupe scene then why not take a look at SAM Revival magazine - if you scroll down the page past this editorial you'll find information about the last few issues, which can be ordered online.

But for even more SAM information then you are in for a treat - I've also been producing a special issue of SAM Revival to celebrate the SAM's 20th anniversary. The SAM Coupe has never had its own glossy magazine so for this one-off issue I've pulled out the stops to produce a full colour magazine to cater for everyone from those who are interested in just finding out more about the SAM, to SAM veterans who have been using the computer for years. I had originally intended for this special to be ready back in January however the project just keeps growing and growing and it's turning into something bigger and better than I ever hoped! There's going to several exclusives with new software bundled on the accompanying coverdisks, and also a few surprises within the magazine itself - especially when I reveal a top secret project I've been working on!

If you would like to be emailed when this special is nearing publication drop me a message via my Contact Quazar page, or keep an eye on this site as I'll update it with more information as it gets closer.

Going back to the SAM Scene, it's hard not to get excited about any new SAM developments. With both old and new programmers working away on projects it's quite an exciting time for the SAM.

Last year has seen several new faces arrive to the SAM programming scene, mainly working on games. There's a few games in the pipeline from newcomer Rob Evans which I've been following the development which show plenty of promise and there's also a 3D engine for the SAM being written by Thomas Harte. This is already completed for wireframe graphics and the plans look towards adding solid shading which could lead to games similar in style to 'Freescape'. That would be truly amazing to see on the SAM.

One other type of programming I'm very keen to follow on the SAM is emulation. Forget about the original ZX Spectrum emulators, the SAM can now emulator a range of old computer systems, Simon Owen recently released his VIC-20 emulator and is currently finishing off another 'MAME'like emulator, for the Space Invaders arcade machine.

Simon has also been working on Ethernet driver code for the Trinity Ethernet Interface, and another talented programmer, Adrian Brown, has been porting a full TCP/IP stack to use it. Once that is complete it will herald the way for applications to access the internet from the SAM.

That just about wraps it up for this small editorial update. As always, hit the Contact Quazar link to drop me a message - I'm always happy to help out with anything SAM related so feel free to send a message with any questions or chat about the SAM.

Kind regards,


News Update... 8th November 2009

It's been a while since there was some news updates, but I hope you've been following my Twitter feed above or subscribing via the Twitter website as I will post stuff every so often!


Adrian Brown's been busy with debugging his TCP/IP Stack for the Trinity Ethernet Interface, and it's been fetching some webpages. There's still some work to do for the odd bug that seems to interfer with the transfers, but he has been making great progress. As well as my SAMonline stuff that I've already been working on, I've got a smaller application just about ready to go as soon as the last bugs are squashed in the stack... a very simple BASIC program to parse my Twitter website which will be downloaded via the Trinity on the SAM...

SAM Revival issue 23

This issue is now finally nearing completion and about about to be printed, so will be despatched in mid November.

SAM Revival issue 23 will be featuring Simon Owen's amazing VIC-20 emulator on the cover disk! Simon's worked so hard with all his emulators and his new VIC-20 emulator just shows what 8the SAM Coupé is capable of! Tremendous work Simon! Also on the coverdisk is a full adventure game 'Survive the Night', originally written by Pete King of Hydrasoft. There is also the latest 3D wireframe demo from Thomas Harte who has been developing a 3D library for the SAM. Rounding off the coverdisk is source code for the latest version of B-DOS for the Trinity Ethernet Interface which speeds up reading from SD cards by 15%, and source code for the? Trinity Boot ROM.??

Inside the magazine you'll find all the latest news from around the SAM world including news of new games in development, the latest on Adrian Brown's TCP/IP stack for the Trinity Ethernet Interface and the applications in the works to use it. The developer diary looks at the TCP/IP updates, Thomas Harte's 3D engine and the Trinity Boot ROM Source Code. There's also an article on writing your own boot routines for the Trinity.

SAM Revival special coming at end of the year

It's been underwraps for a few months... a special SAM Revival publication to celebrate the SAM Coupe's 20th birthday at the end of this year - A4, colour, several cover disks... Several exclusives already lined up .. it's going to be a very fitting tribute for the SAM Coupe!

I don't really want to say too much at the moment, but stay tuned! Keep an eye on the normal SAM Revival magazine and my Twitter updates as it develops!

Questions / Comments

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the news, or anything SAM related whatsoever!

News Update... 18th July 2009

A couple more news updates....

Trinity B-DOS Update

I've updated B-DOS 1.5t for the Trinity Ethernet Interface. Loading from MMC / SD cards has been speeded up by 15%! The DOS, Source code and explanation of the changes for this new version (beta 5) will be featuring in SAM Revival 23.

Trinity Boot ROM

I've finished a patch for the SAM ROM so it can automatically load in B-DOS from the EEPROM on the Trinity at startup / reset to save having to boot the DOS from floppy disk. Just waiting for some ROM chips to arrive and then it will be available for Trinity users.


As you'll see by the widget above I've signed up to Twitter to post quick updates and development news. Please follow me to keep up to date at

Questions / Comments

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the news, or anything SAM related whatsoever!

News Update... 14th March 2009

A couple of news updates....

uIP TCP/IP Stack Update

Adrian Brown has given a quick update to say the main core of uIP has been converted from C to Z80 for use with the Trinity Ethernet Interface and he is currently putting together a simple test application to check all the transmit / retransmit code is working fully.

The next stage will probably be to look at how to correctly package the system to allow for multiple applications to use uIP at once. A secondary wrapper for uIP might be made to allow for easier handling multiple packets.

Simon Owen has also updated his Ethernet Driver for the Trinity Ethernet Interface, as well as helping Adrian debug the masses of uIP code.


Now with the completed TCP/IP stack getting ever so close I've been making good progress on the initial programming of my first internet application to use the Trinity Ethernet Interface so it's about time I gave some information about it.

Called SAMonline, the first function of this software will be to connect to a special section of my website and fetch all the latest SAM Coupé news. The pages downloaded will be will be written using a simple markup language I’ve designed specifically for the SAM to draw up screens with text and images natively.

Using an on screen cursor, controlled by either keyboard or mouse, there will be buttons to click on to make it easy to navigate between pages and sections.

Another function of SAMonline will be for downloading software. Continuing my work talking to authors and copyright holders of past SAM software I’ve already lined up a couple of multi-disk titles that are too big to go on the SAM Revival coverdisk and so they will be made available on SAMonline to download for free by Trinity users.

I’ll be patching the software so it can all be installed and run from SD flash cards via the memory card slot on the Trinity. A ‘Download Manager’ option will be built into the SAMonline software so you can easily select and run software that you’ve downloaded.

The stage I’m at with the software is to integrate the uIP TCP/IP Stack once that has been completed, as just now it’s fetching the pages from disk for testing.

SDHC Flash Card Support for the Trinity

I've been taking a look at supporting SDHC cards with the Trinity to allow 4GB, 8GB and perhaps larger flash memory cards to be used instead of just up to 1GB MMC and SD. Hopefully I'll more news soon after some tinkering!

VIC-20 Emulator

Simon Owen has been busy finishing his VIC-20 emulator for the SAM, and it'll be featuring on the coverdisk with issue 23 of SAM Revival magazine later this month. Here's a video of it in action with the prototype Mayhem Accelerator at 20MHz.

Questions / Comments

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the news, or anything SAM related whatsoever!

News Update... 29th December 2008

SAM Revival issue 22 out now!

Issue 22 of SAM Revival is now out! Apologies for the delay.

SAM Revival issue 22 features the full commercial game 'Burglar Bob' on the coverdisk. This was one of Jupiter Software's last titles produced for the SAM back in the late 1990s. Also on the coverdisk is a wireframe 3D demo from Thomas Harte who is looking to produce a full 3D engine for the SAM Coupe.

Inside the magazine you'll find all eight pages of news covering all the latest news from around the SAM world, some of the highlights of which include news on the first application that is well underway for use with the Trinity Ethernet Interface. Called 'SAMonline' this application will connect to the internet to get all the latest news for the SAM, as well as offering free software downloadings of new software as well as classic games and old disk magazines. There is also news on the development of the Mayhem Accelerator and also the latest emulator from Simon Owen which allows the SAM to emulate the Commodore VIC-20!

Feature articles include a look at what happened to the proposed sequel of Manic Miner on the SAM. The Lower Caverns was to have new graphics, new levels and new music. The Developer Diary features a second article from Thomas Harte who is developing a 3D engine for the SAM.

SAM Revival issue 22 costs £3.99 with UK delivery, please contact me for postage for outside of the UK.

News Update... 7th May 2008

Trinity Ethernet Interface

I'm busy soldering up another batch of Trinity Ethernet Interfaces. In the six months or so it's been out I have to rate it as the quickest selling piece of hardware I've produced for the SAM over the years. Now with B-DOS adapted it's got use for storing SAM files on MMC and SD cards, and uIP is getting closer and closer to completion - after which it won't be long until there's some internet applications!

SAM Revival issue 21 out now... 22nd April 2008

Issue 21 of SAM Revival magazine is now out!

Inside the issue you'll find all the regulars covering all the latest news in the SAM Coupe world. Feature articles include an interview from Frode Tennebo where he interviews David Gommeren and Rob Mies of The Lords. Gavin Smith continues his look back at some of the top SAM games, looking in particular this issue at Arcade Classics.

I look at using the MMC / SD Card slot on the Trinity Ethernet Interface. The first half of the article looks at accessing the flash cards with routines for detecting, reading and writing raw sectors. The second half goes through the patches I made to B-DOS to allow it to use the Trinity for mass storage of files. Rounding the issue off is the Developer Diary where Thomas Harte explains how he is tackling his work on creating a solid 3D engine on the SAM.

To compliment the interview with The Lords, the coverdisk features their commercial release 'Batz 'n Balls', their freeware Tetris game and their SAM demos. Other games featured on the coverdisk are Simon Owen's 'Pac-Man', and 'Soul Magician' by Lars Persson. There is also source code to go along with the Trinity article, and the source code and executable for the Trinity patched version of B-DOS.

You can order the issue using the links below through PayPal (you don't need to have a PayPal account - orders can be made by debit/credit card securely through PayPal too). The issue is priced at £3.99 with UK postage, please contact me for postage costs for Europe and worldwide.

Update! 14th March 2008

Trinity Update

MMC / SD Flash Card Support

B-DOS has now been patched to use the MMC / SD card slot on the Trinity Ethernet Interface for mass storage. My thanks to Edwin Blink for saying it was fine to patch B-DOS.

What I've done is patch version 1.5a to utilise the Trinity's MMC/SD slot, letting it use MMC and SD flash cards up to 1GB in size. The next update will include support for 2GB cards, which use a different sector size.

I'm in the process of putting together a Trinity Update disk to send out to current owners of the Trinity, and I'll be writing up an article for the next issue of SAM Revial outlining the changes I've made and the source code.

Ethernet TCP/IP Stack

Adrian Brown is still hard at work with his port of the uIP TCP/IP Stack. He's been making excellent progress with the testing - most recently the ACK and SYNC communications to establish a TCP connection. Adrian's now finishing off the routines to use for applications to interface with the TCP/IP stack code, and a simple application to test it all out and demonstrate the code in action. Things are tantalisingly close to completion! Once the port of uIP is complete then there are several developers keen to get started on giving the SAM some full internet applications!

SAM Revival issue 20 out now... 12th February 2008

The late running issue 20 of SAM Revival magazine is now out!

Inside the issue you'll find all the regulars covering all the latest news in the SAM Coupe world, and there is the welcomed return of the letters pages. Feature articles include information on using the EEPROM that's onboard the Trinity Ethernet Interface, with source code provided on the cover disk too. The developer diary looks at the work undertaken by Simon Owen on writing an Ethernet Driver for the Trinity and the start of his work on porting CPC/IP to give the SAM it's first suite of internet enabled programs.

The issue also features three full games on the coverdisk, there is Booty and Invaders - two of Jupiter Software's past commercial releases, and the third game is a SAM version of the The Light Corridor - originally writen 17 years ago by the Spanish programmers who did the MSX and ZX Spectrum versions, but the SAM publishing deal fell through so it was never released.

The issue is priced at £3.99 with UK postage, please contact me for European and worldwide postal rates.

Debug LCD Screen... 17th November 2007

Oops! Forgot to post this on the website back in September when I came up with this!

I was asked by Adrian Brown about having something very simple on the back of the SAM to show a number or even some LEDs to be used for debugging purposes, so he didn't have to print text up on the screen and could just output a value or two.

A quick dicussion followed about what would be best, and I built it up in the space of a couple days - an interface driving a 4x20 LCD! Put together quickly with a bit of logic decoding and a microcontroller to take care of making it easy to use.

Here's a video of it in action:

Trinity Ethernet Interface now out... 20th October 2007

As announced as being in the prototype stage last month, I am now pleased to announce that the Trinity Ethernet Interface is now available! The concept of Trinity it to bring ethernet to your SAM with the goal of getting the SAM onto the Internet. The interface consists of three main sections - hence the name Trinity.

The first and most important part is the ethernet controller, a self-contained chip to deal with the communication side of things. The second section is a 128K EEPROM which is used for storing settings for ethernet enabled applications as well as the general ethernet configuration. (This was originally just 8K as announced in SAM Revival, but having kicked the idea about a bit with other people I've now gone for 128K). The third section is a card slot for MMC and SD flash memory cards to expand the memory of the interface, as well as being another means of mass storage for your SAM files. And all three peripherals are linked to the SAM via a microcontroller.

Now of course, hardware is just an expensive paperweight without any software to use it and that's mainly the hardware side I've been concentrating on myself - getting the final board complete, improving and testing the embedded firmware that runs on the Trinity's microcontroller and so on. But thanks to the talents of Adrian Brown and Simon Owen the software side is also progressing in leaps and bounds. Both were eagar since I let them know about Trinity during it's early development, and they received the first two Trinity interfaces off the production line (well, my soldering bench!) about a fortnight ago. Thanks to a small mess up by the board manufacturers they only sent me 2 PCBs instead of a larger quantity but that was enough to get the two needed for Simon and Adrian. They were sent out along with a pile of my documentation on the hardware, datasheets and some test programs I'd written, and then there was another delay thanks to the mailstrike which delayed Adrian's by about 5 days.

Anyway, as soon as they had arrived they were programming at an alarming rate! Adrian has been porting the uIP TCP/IP stack - converting the C code into Z80 by hand for optimised code instead of just cross compiling, while Simon had been working on the device driver to control the ethernet controller on Trinity, first within a day or two it was just detecting incoming packets and printing the raw data on the screen, then he continued to make it into a useful set of routines to initiliase the ethernet controller and to receive and transmit packets.

After about a week of furious coding, last weekend saw Adrian's and Simon's parts being linked together and SAM answered a PING... our SAM's were alive on the net! Oh the fun of repeatedly PINGing the SAMs to get the responces back, it's a small step but it marks the start of SAM's journey onto the internet!

Here's Adrian to give his view on what he thinks of the Trinity, and where he is with the coding....

Adrian: "The Trinity hardware is another very nice looking piece of kit from Quazar, with the usual top level of support with any questions you may have. I was keen to get started. I plugged it in, put a network cable into it and started a few tools Quazar had sent over. It seemed to be working nicely.

The main thing I wanted to get started on was the network side of things. Unfortunately, unlike your PC, a network cable and hardware into a machine doesnt mean you can instantly start using the net. With a few simple tests I could see information coming in via the network cable I needed to write a TCP/IP stack to allow myself and others write programs that use the network, such as simple file transfers and even a web browser on the SAM. I spoke with Simon Owen, Frode and Colin regarding this and we decided to port a lightweight TCP/IP stack called uIP. I started work on the packet handling while Simon started work on the Trinity interface code. We soon had it working so the SAM was able to listen and reply to ICMP ping commands, TCP and UDP packets are almost done then we can start work on the fun applications.

Probably the main application I would like to get written and working using Trinity is a cross platform development system allowing me to write and build programs and data on my PC and send this across to the SAM via the network to run. Also having a debugger on the PC linked to the SAM would be great. I would certainly improve the speed of developlment of SAM titles for me.

With Trinity, soon sam will have a wide range of network products such as IRC clients, MSN clients and web browsers. Its great to see people still putting a lot of time and energy into SAM products."

Thanks Adrian, you summed up in a nutshell - once his TCP/IP stack is fully complete with UDP and TCP packet handling, it should be relatively easy to start writing applications to use the internet. E-mail, FTP, MSN Messenger, IRC, even a simple text based web browser are all on the 'To-Do' list!

I'm just finishing updating the technical documentation for Trinity. I put in a few extra routines were put into the firmware last week and the updates have been sent to Simon and Adrian - faster data transfer, LED twinkling, and some other control functions for giving a few coding shortcuts. I know Adrian is planning to make a start on documenting his port of uIP once it's completed, and next for me is sorting out documentation for using the onboard EEPROM and accompanying source code for routines to utilise that - as it'll have a system of allocating and storing data in 1K chunks so applications can save their settings there, as well as holding the general internet settings. There'll certainly be a wealth of info and source code for anyone who is thinking about programming applications to use it!

SAM Revival 19 out now... 12th September 2007

Issue 19 of SAM Revival is now out!

Let's start off with what's on the coverdisk: Conquest. Written by Peter King in 1997 this originally had a limited release from Zedd-Soft, and now for the SAM Revival coverdisk it's had a graphical overhaul. It's best to describe Conquest as a 'Civilisation' style game where you establish and expand your village, search for raw materials, form and train armies with the goal to defeat the computer controlled enemy who's trying to do the same.

Here's a video of Conquest in action:

Onto the magazine. The cover gives away what I've been working on recently myself - the Trinity Ethernet Interface, bringing ethernet to your SAM with the eventual goal of getting the SAM onto the Internet! It's an idea I started kicking around back in March with a few people but with my moving house in June it wasn't until after I was all settled up here I was able to get on with building the prototype. Everything is covered in the magazine up to where it stands just now and I hope to have some final units in the hands of some programmers by the end of the month. The news section also covers more hardware - Edwin's new Atom-Lite+ interface - his new Atom interface for using Compact Flash cards with a built in real time clock. Software news, well there's quite a bit, covering games and emulators that are currently being written for our favourite blue footed computer!

The first feature article in this issue is "Programming the Z80", a new machine code column from the talents of Adrian Brown. Aimed for the beginner this first part gives an introduction to the SAM's Z80 CPU, hexidecimal numbering, memory and a couple of machine code instructions with a very small program just to wet your appetite for assembly language. If you've only stuck with BASIC or the likes of GamesMaster then now is your chance to take a gentle plunge into learning Z80 assembly and you'll soon see it's nothing to be scared of!

Next up is a SAM Games article from Gavin Smith, who takes a look back at a couple of games that he feels were quite a surprise to see on the SAM.

And the issue is rounded up with the Developer Diary. There's news on the SAM2GB Gameboy emulator from Adrian Brown, who has been working on it since July when he offered to help Johan out. Adrian's really showed off his programming talents with this - rewriting parts of the core and all new graphic routines to get it running a game! Plenty of colour screenshots show it in action, this is one emulator I certainly have my eye on! Simon Owen, another master of emulation, goes over the latest version of his .SID music player which now uses his most up to date 65C02 cpu emulator code and other enhancements including support for NTSC and 100Hz .SID tunes and larger file sizes. And last, but not least, is some fantastic colour screenshots from SAM Fighter - a beat 'em up being written by Warren Lee, which looks great so far.

SAM Revival costs £3.99 in the UK, please contact me for worldwide postal rates.

SAM Revival... 30th August 2007

Issue 18 went down a storm last month! It was a packed issue, with a packed coverdisk. (Scroll down for the full details in an earlier news item, or see the main SAM Revival page with the link on the left).

Thanks to those who took the time to give their feedback on the issue, here's some of the remarks:

"Arrived this morning, Another fine issue, Anyone not getting SR, your missing out, what more can you ask for, a top mag, in colour with a coverdisk, get to see lots of things that otherwise you would miss." (Adrian B)

"Recently got a SAM, and SAM Revival is a great read for a new user! Just about to order some old issues to get my mits on more software!"(Mark S)

"Just got mine through the door today as well! Looks fantastic! I'm amazed how crammed with stuff the disk is as well. I think it's amazing how much there is, still to fill all that space, and it's all genuinely interesting and new! Nice work!" (Warren L)

"Can only echo everyone elses comments - nice one Colin a really great issue." (Ian S)

So, don't just take my word on it, if you are after all the latest news, classic and new software, interesting articles, all about the SAM Coupé then go on try an issue - 18 is a cracking one to start with! Go on, give it a go!

Here's a video of the pieces of software on the coverdisk in action:

SAM Revival 18 out now... 30th May 2007

It's quite a packed issue! More pages than the previous few issues, and a jam packed coverdisk!

Let's kick off with what's on the disk. First up are the three brand new emulators from Simon Owen. He's been busy getting the SAM being other machines and has completed his Galaksija and Orao emulators which were announced in the previous issue. The Galaksija is a Z80 based computer from Yugoslavia, while the Orao is a 6502 based Croation system so that's using Simon's latest 6502 CPU emulator core. Both are now fully emulated on the SAM and there's a pile of games on the disk for each system. To finish off his hat trick Simon has also released an Apple 1 emulator too!

It doesn't stop there! Also on the coverdisk is the latest version of Chris Pile's SAM Defender, and also Captain Comic - a classic platformer by Lars Perrson which was first released back in 1994 and was a remake of a freeware PC game. Wrapping up the coverdisk there's also a demo I've coded up to copy an old school effect from the Amiga and includes the source code.

Onto the paper side. 40 pages jam packed with news and articles. The Developer Diary is bursting at the seams with information from Simon about all three of his new emulators, and there's also the first screenshots of ISAAC - the port of Rebelstar that's being developed by Stuart Brady and Warren Lee.

This issue also sees the start of a new programming column. I've looking at recreating some demo effects from the Amiga on the SAM, and tackle a two layer tile based scroller.The issue wraps up with the compulsory sprinkling of SAM Snippets with bits of trivia from the SAM world. Hope you enjoy the issue!

SAM Revival costs £3.99 in the UK, please contact me for overseas postal rates.

SAM Revival 17 out now... 24th April 2007

What's in the issue? On the coverdisk is the full game T'n'T by Matt Round. Originally released back in 1994 this was Matt's only full commercial release and goes to show just what he was able to get out of GamesMaster with this multi-level Bomb Jack style game. There's also another full game on the coverdisk - Money Bags 1 1/2, which is the third installment of the Money Bags series of games. Typical Jetset Willy style game where you have to collect objects over a large number of rooms. The game has also been updated with a brand new soundtrack by David Suzuki-Sanders to replace the Quazar Surround music that was originally in it when first released on Soundbyte.

Onto the paper side of the magazine. Now, who remembers Kaboom? Yes, that bomberman megagame that was never released despite orders taken. We'll over the last year or two i've been in touch with the musician and graphics artist who involved and just had to write an article about what happened to it, looking at the development work they did for the game, and when things began to fall apart and the somewhat heated aftermath! Plenty of screenshots from the near finished version of the game which make good use of the colour printing in the magazine.

There's also a new developer diary section, where i've been asking programmers for details on what they've been working on. This issue see's the diary from Johan Koelman about his work so far on a Gameboy emulator for the SAM. And there's also a large news section looking at other projects that are currently in the works, as well as news that an old ZX Spectrum game programmer may be looking to develop on the SAM sometime this year.

The issue wraps up with the compulsory sprinkling of SAM Snippets with bits of trivia from the SAM world. So there it is, I hope you enjoy the issue, and i'm already at work with the next!

SAM Revival costs £3.99 in the UK, please contact me for overseas postal rates.

SAM Revival 16 out now... 20th January 2007

Issue 16 of SAM Revival magazine is now out!

This issue features the full SAM game 'Colony' on the coverdisk, which was written by Derek Koselo. Colony is a Sim style game where you setup and run a planetary mining colony. This game also features full support for the Quazar Surround soundcard if you have one.

Inside the magazine you'll find an interview with Derek discussing the game as well as his other work on the SAM. Another feature article takes a look at the work I started on the game 'Chrome' and delves into what was planned and accompanied with lots of colour shots. And there are all the other regular sections including the new combined news section, letters pages and SAM Snippets.

SAM Revival costs £3.99 in the UK, please contact me for overseas postal rates.

More News...

Click on the 'News Archive' link on the Navigation bar on the left for earlier news from 2006 and earlier... Please note in historic news articles prices and product availability may have changed.